@Roy Have you completed Module 1 and 2?
@Roy Have you completed Module 1 and 2?
Please send access the website of the three kings of hell. My name is Roy I'm new
Hello Master.I ask you to open The gates for Ophiel. Im starting the attunement on 29.01.25 Thank you
The last day was noticeable and as it seemed to me as strong as possible. I only realized later that he was the last one. I kept track of every day in my diary,but the last day started at three in ...
Thank you Rhaen Hyroc,I am not sure if the review still on going, however am fasinated about this mystical book and ready to grab a copy.
Hello guys, we are about to release a new book with knowledge that has never been shared before. In the book you will find: Introduction The History of Elenthos The Hierarchy of Elenth...
@Rhaen Hryoc no,I mean about initiation to the Shax together Phaleg, as an option of their identical energies. Theoretically this is possibly if i understand correctly?Perhaps it is not worth talk ...
@Yuliya The cold and sickness can be many things. I can not determine what it was unless i had a personal contact with you when you were sick. What do you mean with additional settings for Shax? Y...
Good time, Master. On the fourth day of setting up, I had an illness and a severe cold, which seemed to pierce me to the maximum. Then I got sick. But I asked the question, what does it mean? An...
7,01,25 Good morning master. Im starting the setup Phaleg open the gate please
Getting to know Falegh completely highlighted the breakdowns of my car.My battery is totally dead. Maybe it saved me from problems in the winter.My work with runes was super charged.fire has always...
Its been two unforgettable weeks.IM absolutely thrilled.According to my horoscope,I have a littledifficulty with the moon. I used to recite Vedic mantras 10000 times in 36 days.I have a VooDoo init...
Ive been going through Ophiel like other Olympic spirits for two weeks.But the spirit of Mercury just coincided with retro Mercury.It was somesthing. It is impossible to discribe it in two words.Bu...
Because noone in my area knows about my interest in thing magic, I am struggling to continue to work with the OS. Of course I can keep making requests for myself. But what are some other ways to wo...
@Rhaen Hryoc, I wanted to know if can use 4 or more combination of OS, if so can you provide us more then three connection diagram which we don't have yet or you can use the combination without a c...
@Ithandir @Thalorion I am sorry, i meant the correct drawing of the sigil. This rule must always be followed. Each combination sigil start with the correct drawing of the main spirit, activ...
@Thalorion Thanks, I was going to default to that process. But its nice for the confirmation. Thanks
@Ithandir At this stage you draw the circle ones + spirit name and the power word . According to lessons on korak,you are done using it ,only when initiated.. Am sure the day of the main spirit. ...