The Reiki World-Cutting Emotional Ties with Reiki-World of Amulets

Cutting Emotional Ties with Reiki

Cords or ties are the emotional attachment that binds people together. Cutting off those ties means that we are cutting or releasing those energetic cords that are responsible for connecting us to someone else.

Basically we energetically corded to anyone with whom we have a relationship. These include family members, friends, acquaintances, co workers and others which can be healthy or harmful as well. Flow of energy takes place between you and others and it flows back and forth.  One thing to get the clear vision is that this flow is not always of unconditional love and by definition a cord of attachment is negative and it contributes a unique set of complexities to the energy system of your body. Cording in an unhealthy and unbeneficial way it can render a negative impact on all aspects of your life and influence your behavior. The person with whom you have a negative bond can certainly control your behavior and he or she can easily manipulate it. You can feel devastated, stuck, depressed, and have low energy levels and also feel bad in the presence of other people. It is vital to remove the cords and improve the emotional, physical and spiritual wellbeing.

Cord cutting becomes essentially important when you are bonded in an unhealthy relationship to someone and getting a negative flow of energy and getting confounded emotionally, physically, and mentally. Cord cutting as it seems to be, is not painful at all. In fact it renders a blissful feeling of getting free and you get an emotional release. This kind of release can set you free from frustration, anger, sadness and other similar kinds of emotions. It will render a lighter and good feeling.

You must cut cord with one person at a time as it takes upon immense amount of energy but you can cut off cords with more than one person per session. Cord of attachment lasts forever and becomes a part of your aura for the rest of your life until or unless you remove it or cut it off. Even death or decease of other person will not cut off the cord as the energy patterns in the cord remains active and same. The procedure of cutting cords if done properly will not affect or hurt the person on the other hand unless that person also receives or faces the cord of attachment session as well. The person who has requested to cut off ties will be empowered and free. Also if the procedure is done properly, cord will not come back. Cord cutting will set you free from psychic level energy that can distort your life. It can also improve all your relationships even with your own self.

Cord cutting is certainly the best way to end up an abusive relationship. Abusive relationship renders worst negative and devastating impact on one’s life and cutting off cord with that person will set your spirit free and remove all the psychological scars. It is also extremely helpful in divorce cases as it can get you your power back instead of mourning for the loss for the rest of your life.

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