All your questions are answered in our FAQ, about rings, attunements, grimoires, amulets and more. Click the links below to access
All our amulets and rings have the option to be activated and consecrated to the owner. This means we bind the energies to the amulet or ring and activate the amulet for the owner.
This is done in a time span of 1 - 10 days depending on the amulet type and the special energy calendar we hold for this.
A special cleansing and charging session is done by our master.
You can select this in the options.
On some of our amulets you can also choose the option of a steel keychain instead of a wearable amulet. This is just a question of personal preference.
We only need your name and address for this. Most of the time this is already present in your order details so there is nothing else you have to do. If you purchase for someone else or several people you need to send us this form: Activation Service
If you need a cleansing and reactivation because someone touched your amulet with his or her fingers, you can request this for free with this form
If you are not sure which amulet, grimoire, initiation, ring or ritual you need, contact our masters inside ourcustomer support portal. You can also reques a demn oracle consultation to find out which demons are ready to work for you.Demon Oracle
How to Choose the Perfect Ring Size
An ideal ring should fit snugly enough to stay firmly on your finger but loose enough to rotate it effortlessly. Choosing the correct size requires considering several factors that influence the size of your fingers. Here are the best tips to get it right: