olympian spirit bethor

The Olympic Spirits – Bethor, Ruler of Jupiter

Written by: WOA Team



Time to read 12 min

Bethor: The Majestic Ruler of Jupiter Among the Olympic Spirits

In the esoteric traditions that delve into the mysteries of the universe, the Olympic Spirits hold a special place. Among these celestial beings, Bethor stands out as the majestic ruler of Jupiter, wielding influence over expansive realms of wisdom, prosperity, and justice. This article explores the significance of Bethor within the context of the Olympic Spirits, shedding light on his attributes, powers, and the ways in which practitioners can work with this powerful entity.

The Hierarchy of the Olympic Spirits

The hierarchy of the Olympic Spirits, as delineated in the Renaissance magical text "Arbatel de magia veterum," presents a unique cosmology that integrates aspects of astrology, theology, and spiritual practice. This system identifies seven spirits, each ruling over one of the seven known planets of the traditional geocentric cosmology, offering a bridge between the divine and the earthly realms.

At the apex of this hierarchy is Aratron , ruling over Saturn, governing time, endurance, and discipline. Following him is Bethor , the sovereign of Jupiter, whose domain includes prosperity, justice, and philosophical wisdom. Phaleg controls the martial energies of Mars, overseeing conflict, courage, and protection. Och presides over the Sun, embodying vitality, health, and success.

Hagith governs the influences of Venus, channeling beauty, love, and artistic inspiration. Ophiel is the master of Mercury, handling communication, intellect, and commerce. Lastly, Phul rules the Moon, overseeing matters of emotion, intuition, and fertility. Together, these spirits form a celestial government, each providing specific forms of guidance and assistance to those who seek their counsel.

The hierarchical structure is not merely about power or dominion but reflects the interconnectedness of cosmic and human affairs. Each spirit's influence is imbued with the characteristics of their respective planets, offering a multifaceted approach to spiritual practice. Engaging with the Olympic Spirits requires understanding their individual and collective roles within the cosmos, enabling practitioners to harmonize their lives with the universal energies these spirits embody.

Bethor’s Domain and Influence

Bethor, the Olympian Spirit ruling over Jupiter, embodies the expansive and benevolent characteristics associated with his celestial counterpart. In the realm of esoteric knowledge and practice, Bethor's domain is vast, encompassing prosperity, wisdom, and justice. These aspects reflect Jupiter's astrological significance as the planet of growth, luck, and philosophical enlightenment.

Bethor's influence is particularly sought after for his ability to open doors to abundance and success. Practitioners believe that aligning with Bethor's energy can lead to significant improvements in their personal and professional lives. This is because Bethor governs over wealth, both material and spiritual, fostering conditions that lead to the flourishing of one's endeavors and the broadening of one's intellectual and moral horizons.

Moreover, Bethor is revered for his capacity to impart wisdom. This wisdom is not limited to academic knowledge but also includes deep philosophical insights that encourage ethical living and justice. By fostering a connection with Bethor, individuals can gain a greater understanding of the moral fabric of the universe and their place within it, guiding them to make decisions that align with the greater good.

Bethor's influence extends beyond mere personal gain. He is believed to assist those who seek to use their prosperity and knowledge to benefit others, emphasizing the interconnectedness of all beings. Thus, working with Bethor is not only a pursuit of personal growth but also a journey towards contributing to the collective well-being, embodying the true essence of Jupiter's magnanimity.

Working with Bethor

Practitioners who seek to engage with Bethor do so with the aim of aligning themselves with the spirit's expansive nature. The process involves rituals and meditations that are best conducted on Thursdays, the day associated with Jupiter, during the planetary hour of Jupiter for maximum alignment.

Ritual Preparation

The preparation for working with Bethor emphasizes purity of intent and an environment that reflects Jupiter's dignified aspects. Symbols of Jupiter, such as the sigil of Bethor, can be used to facilitate a stronger connection. Incense associated with Jupiter, like cedar or saffron, can also help in harmonizing the ritual space with Bethor's energy.

Invocation and Requests

When invoking Bethor, practitioners often use prayers or invocations detailed in the Arbatel or other esoteric texts. The focus of these invocations is on seeking Bethor's guidance in matters related to growth, learning, and the expansion of one’s horizons. It is believed that Bethor can bestow profound philosophical insights and opportunities for material advancement.

Bethor's Benevolence and Wisdom

Bethor, in the realm of the Olympic Spirits, is renowned for his benevolence and profound wisdom. As the ruler of Jupiter, his domain encompasses the expansive and nurturing aspects of the universe, offering guidance and support to those who seek his influence. Bethor's wisdom is not merely intellectual but deeply spiritual, providing insights that foster both personal growth and a greater understanding of cosmic justice. He is seen as a generous spirit, eager to bestow the gifts of prosperity, learning, and advancement to those who approach him with sincerity and respect. However, Bethor's benevolence extends beyond material wealth, encouraging individuals to utilize their blessings for the greater good. This emphasis on ethical enrichment and the balanced use of resources reflects the depth of Bethor's wisdom, highlighting his role as a teacher of both abundance and moral responsibility.

The Symbolism of Bethor

sigil of bethor

The symbolism of Bethor, the majestic ruler of Jupiter in the realm of the Olympic Spirits, is deeply interwoven with the attributes of growth, prosperity, and wisdom. Central to Bethor's symbolism is the sigil that represents him, a unique emblem that serves as a conduit for his expansive energies. This sigil encapsulates the essence of Jupiter's benevolence, mirroring the planet's association with abundance, success, and philosophical enlightenmen

Considerations in Working with Bethor

While the pursuit of growth and abundance is a common reason for working with Bethor, it is crucial to approach such practices with ethical considerations in mind. The wisdom of Bethor also encompasses the understanding of when and how to use the abundance and opportunities he provides, emphasizing the importance of using such gifts for the greater good.

Bethor, as the ruler of Jupiter among the Olympic Spirits, offers a pathway to understanding and aligning with the expansive forces of the universe. Through respectful engagement and alignment with his energies, practitioners can access a wellspring of wisdom, prosperity, and philosophical insight. As with all esoteric practices, working with Bethor requires a mindful approach, balancing personal aspirations with the broader implications of the power and knowledge gained. In doing so, individuals can navigate their paths with the guidance of one of the most benevolent and powerful spirits of the celestial hierarchy.

The ring of Abraxas & the Olympic Spirits

The Ring of Abraxas is a powerful artifact that is said to have a connection with Bethor and the 7 Olympic Spirits. This ring is said to possess the power to enhance one's intuition and psychic abilities, making it a valuable tool for those who seek to explore the mystical world

Significance of the Ring of Abraxas in Relation to Bethor

The Ring of Abraxas is said to be connected to Bethor because it is believed to have the power to enhance one's spiritual and psychic abilities, which are areas that Bethor is known to influence. Those who seek to work with Bethor may choose to wear the Ring of Abraxas as a way to strengthen their connection with this powerful entity.

The Amulet of Abraxas

The Amulet of Abraxas is another artifact that is said to have a connection with Bethor and the 7 Olympic Spirits. This amulet is said to possess the power to provide protection from harm and to attract good luck and fortune.

Significance of the Amulet of Abraxas in Relation to Bethor

The Amulet of Abraxas is said to be connected to Bethor because it is believed to provide protection from harm, an area in which Bethor is known to have influence. The amulet is also said to attract good luck and fortune, which can be beneficial to those who seek to work with Bethor to enhance their wealth and abundance. The Amulet of Abraxas can be worn as a piece of jewelry or carried in a pocket or purse.

In addition to their connection with the Ring of Abraxas and the Amulet of Abraxas, Bethor and the 7 Olympic Spirits have been associated with various colors, symbols, and elements. Bethor is associated with the color blue, the symbol of the eagle, and the element of air. Those who wish to invoke the aid of Bethor may choose to incorporate these colors, symbols, and elements into their rituals and spells.

The Color Blue in Relation to Bethor

The color blue is associated with Bethor because it is believed to represent the expansiveness and wisdom associated with this powerful entity. Those who seek to work with Bethor may choose to wear or surround themselves with the color blue as a way to tap into these energies.

The Symbol of the Eagle in Relation to Bethor

The symbol of the eagle is associated with Bethor because it is believed to represent the bird's keen vision and ability to soar to great heights. Those who seek to work with Bethor may choose to incorporate the symbol of the eagle into their rituals as a way to tap into these energies.

The Element of Air in Relation to Bethor

The element of air is associated with Bethor because it is believed to represent the expansiveness and intellectual nature of this powerful entity. Those who seek to work with Bethor may choose to incorporate the element of air into their rituals by burning incense or invoking the winds.

In conclusion, Bethor and the 7 Olympic Spirits are entities that have captured the imaginations of mystics and occultists for centuries. Their powers are said to be both transformative and intriguing, and their connection with artifacts like the Ring of Abraxas and the Amulet of Abraxas only adds to their mystique. Whether you are seeking to enhance your knowledge, increase your wealth, or promote your spiritual growth, the powers of Bethor and the 7 Olympic Spirits may be able to assist you. So, why not explore these entities for yourself and see what kind of transformation they can bring to your life?

The Colors, Symbols, and Elements Associated with Bethor

Bethor rules over aspects associated with Jupiter, and he is known to be quick to respond to those who call upon him. Those who have his favor are often raised to great heights, gaining access to hidden treasures and achieving high levels of recognition. Bethor also has the power to reconcile spirits, allowing for accurate answers to be given, and can transport precious stones and work miraculous effects with medicine. Additionally, he can provide familiars from the heavens and extend life up to 700 years, subject to God's will. Bethor has a vast legion of 29,000 spirits under his command, consisting of 42 Kings, 35 Princes, 28 Dukes, 21 Counsellors, 14 Ministers, and 7 Messengers. As an Olympian spirit, he is associated with Jupiter. 

Bethor is related to the ancient gods:

  • Jupiter: The supreme deity of Roman mythology, Jupiter is the god of the sky and thunder, known for being the king of gods and men. He presides over the state and its laws, embodying authority and justice.

  • YHVH: In the Hebrew tradition, YHVH (Yahweh) is considered the singular, omnipotent God, creator of the universe, and central figure of the Jewish faith, embodying qualities of mercy, justice, and righteousness.

  • Zeus: In Greek mythology, Zeus is the king of the gods, ruler of Mount Olympus, and god of the sky, lightning, and thunder, known for his powerful presence and influence over gods and humans alike.

  • Athene: Also known as Athena, she is the Greek goddess of wisdom, courage, and warfare, celebrated for her strategic prowess in battle and her patronage of the city of Athens.

  • Poseidon: Brother to Zeus and Hades, Poseidon is the Greek god of the sea, earthquakes, and horses, wielding his trident to both create storms and calm the waves.

  • Minerva: The Roman goddess of wisdom, strategic warfare, and the arts, Minerva is revered for her intellect and is often depicted with an owl, symbolizing her association with wisdom.

  • Tinia: The chief god of the Etruscan pantheon, Tinia is equivalent to the Roman Jupiter, wielding authority over the sky, thunder, and lightning, and often depicted with a lightning bolt in hand.

  • Marduk: A major deity in ancient Babylonian religion, Marduk is the patron god of Babylon, associated with creation, water, vegetation, judgment, and magic, celebrated for his victory over chaos.

  • Hapi: In ancient Egyptian religion, Hapi is the god of the Nile, responsible for the annual flooding that deposited fertile silt along its banks, ensuring the prosperity and survival of the Egyptian civilization.

  • Maat: The ancient Egyptian goddess of truth, justice, and cosmic order, Maat is depicted with an ostrich feather and represents the fundamental balance and harmony of the universe.

  • Leucetius: A Gallo-Roman god associated with thunder and storms, Leucetius is often linked to the Roman god Mars as a deity of both war and weather, particularly in regions of Gaul.

Powers, Color and Offerings

The Powers of Bethor:

  • Thunder and Storms: Bethor wields the formidable power to command thunder and storms, embodying the raw energy and chaotic force of nature.
  • Justice: He upholds the principles of justice, ensuring balance and fairness in human affairs.
  • Wisdom: Bethor imparts profound wisdom, offering insights into both worldly and spiritual matters.
  • Abundance: He brings abundance, fostering growth and prosperity in various aspects of life.
  • Rulership: Bethor's influence extends to leadership and authority, guiding those in positions of power.
  • Order: He establishes order, creating harmony and stability within the chaos of the universe.
  • Sea Gods: Bethor also connects with the deities of the sea, reflecting his command over water and its creatures.

The Color of Bethor:

  • Blue: The color blue is deeply associated with Bethor, symbolizing his vast wisdom, tranquility, and connection to the celestial.

The Offerings to Bethor:

  • Blue Flowers: Representing serenity and wisdom, blue flowers are cherished offerings to Bethor.
  • Frankincense: This aromatic resin is offered to purify the space and align with Bethor's spiritual essence.
  • White Wine: Symbolizing joy and abundance, white wine is presented in honor of Bethor's benevolence.
  • Gemstones (Sapphire, Tanzanite, Aquamarine, Topaz, Zircon, Turquoise, Iolite, Kyanite, Lapis Lazuli, Apatite, Chalcedony, Larimar, Smithsonite, Fluorite, Hemimorphite, Azurite, Labradorite, Moonstone, Agate, Diamond, Dumortierite Quartz, Sodalite, Spinel, Chrysocolla, Tourmaline, Benitoite, Hawk’s Eye): Each of these gemstones, with their distinct shades of blue and unique properties, are valued offerings that resonate with Bethor's energy, symbolizing various facets of his dominion like wisdom, protection, and communication with the divine.

Best Time to Do Ritual with Bethor:

  • Thursday between 00:00 am and 2:00 am: Aligning with Jupiter's influence, this time is most auspicious for rituals to connect with Bethor, harnessing his power of growth, prosperity, and wisdom.

Who are the Olympic spirits?

The 7 Olympic Spirits are seven entities that have been known since ancient times. They are often associated with the seven celestial bodies of our solar system, such as the Sun, the Moon, Mars, Venus, Mercury, Jupiter, and Saturn. Each of these spirits is said to have unique powers and attributes that can be used to help people achieve their goals and desires.

The 7 Olympic Spirits are:

  1. Aratron - Associated with the planet Saturn, this spirit is said to have the power to bring success and prosperity.

  2. Bethor - Associated with the planet Jupiter, Bethor is known for his ability to provide protection and financial gain.

  3. Phaleg - Associated with the planet Mars, Phaleg is said to be able to grant courage and strength.

  4. Och - Associated with the Sun, Och is known for his ability to bring abundance and success.

  5. Hagith - Associated with the planet Venus, Hagith is known for her power to bring love, beauty, and artistic talent.

  6. Ophiel - Associated with the planet Moon, Ophiel is said to be able to bring clarity and intuition.

  7. Phul - Associated with the planet Mercury, Phul is known for his ability to enhance communication and help with intellectual pursuits.

Start working with Bethor and the Olympic Spirits

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Autor: Takaharu

Takaharu is master at the Terra Incognita school of Magic, specialized in the Olympian Gods, Abraxas and Demonology. He is also the person in charge of this website and shop and you will find him in the school of magic and in customer support. Takaharu has over 31 years of experience in magic. 

Terra Incognita School of Magic

More about the Olympian Spirits