This special cleansing and charging pad is only for non-demon related objects like amulets, crystals or rings. It can not be used for other energies. This pad is made of stainless steel with a special engraving of the archangels and Olympic Spirits.
When your amulet or ring becomes contaminated by other energies, you might need to clean it so the charging pad keeps working 100% for charging objects. This is a very simple ritual. Since the pad has been activated by us for these purposes you don't need to do anything special. Just place the object on the pad and leave it there for 9 hours. After this period, the object you placed on it is completely free of any energy that doesn't belong to it.
After the cleansing you might want to place the amulet, ring, crystal or whatever non-demon related object in the light of the moon during a full moon. This will charge the object with extra energy. After this you can go to step 2
After the cleansing procedure comes the charging step. If step 1 was easy, this one is even more. You just need to put the object on the charging pad and leave it there for at least 5 minutes. This will charge the objects with the energies of the 8 kings of hell. That is all.
Now, if you want to charge the object with only one of the energies of the Olympic Spirits you will need to know the secret enn of that particular energy. For example, you want to charge a crystal with the energies of Phaleg, you will have to use the Enn of Phaleg. This Enn needs to be repeated 3 times while you keep your hands floating above the object.
Below you will find the sigils and Enn's of the 7 Olympic Spirits which you can use to charge specific energies to objects
Main Powers: Witchcraft, Divine connection, Hunting, Underworld
Enn: Abrasax potestate est mecum. ego autem spirituum iubes Phul
Main Powers: Death, Homes, Construction, Crops, Nature, Maternity
Enn: Abrasax potestate est mecum. ego autem spirituum iubes Aratron
Main Powers: Justice, Abundance, Wisdom, Order, Governance
Enn: Abrasax potestate est mecum. ego autem spirituum iubes Bethor
Main Powers: War, Justice, Power, Energy, Protection, Metalwork
Enn: Abrasax potestate est mecum. ego autem spirituum iubes Phaleg
Main Powers: Healing, cycles of death and birth, reencarnation, men
Enn: Abrasax potestate est mecum. ego autem spirituum iubes Och
Main Powers: Communication, Commerce, Writing, Messengers, Magic
Enn: Abrasax potestate est mecum. ego autem spirituum iubes Ophiel
Main Powers: Love, sex, creativity, grace, music, art, happiness, beauty
Enn: Abrasax potestate est mecum. ego autem spirituum iubes Hagith
The 7 Olympic Spirits are an esoteric concept originating from medieval grimoires and occult practices. They are believed to be powerful celestial spirits that rule over the planets associated with the days of the week. Here are some frequently asked questions about the 7 Olympic Spirits:
- What are the 7 Olympic Spirits?
The 7 Olympic Spirits are said to be celestial beings that represent and govern the seven classical planets associated with the days of the week. They are:
- Aratron (Saturday, Saturn)
- Bethor (Thursday, Jupiter)
- Phaleg (Tuesday, Mars)
- Och (Sunday, Sun)
- Hagith (Friday, Venus)
- Ophiel (Wednesday, Mercury)
- Phul (Monday, Moon)
Where did the concept of the 7 Olympic Spirits come from?
The concept originates from medieval grimoires, such as the Arbatel de Magia Veterum and the Secret Grimoire of Turiel. These texts are associated with occult practices and ceremonial magic, and their origins can be traced back to the Renaissance period but at WOA we have grimoire for an earlier date that already talk about the Olympic spirits and how to work with them
What is the purpose of the 7 Olympic Spirits?
In the context of ceremonial magic, practitioners believe that by invoking and working with the Olympic Spirits, they can gain knowledge, wisdom, and understanding in various aspects of life. Each spirit is thought to have specific areas of expertise and can be invoked for assistance in those areas.
How do practitioners communicate with the Olympic Spirits?
Practitioners use various methods to communicate with the Olympic Spirits, including rituals, prayers, and invocations. Some may also use sigils, which are symbols representing the specific spirit, to facilitate communication and connection.
Are the Olympic Spirits associated with any religion?
While the concept of the Olympic Spirits is rooted in Western esoteric and occult traditions, it is not exclusive to any particular religion. Some practitioners may incorporate elements of various religious beliefs into their practice, while others may approach the Olympic Spirits from a purely esoteric or magical perspective.
How can I learn more about the 7 Olympic Spirits?
To learn more about the 7 Olympic Spirits, consider studying historical grimoires and texts, such as the Arbatel de Magia Veterum and the Secret Grimoire of Turiel.You can also learn about them in our school of Maic: Terra Incognita You may also find information in books on ceremonial magic, occult practices, and Western esoteric traditions. Please remember that this subject matter is considered esoteric and not part of mainstream knowledge, so approach the topic with an open mind and a critical perspective.
Is it safe to work with the Olympic Spirits?
As with any occult or esoteric practice, working with the Olympic Spirits should be approached with caution and respect. It is essential to have a clear understanding of the practice, its history, and the potential risks involved. Some practitioners may warn of potential negative consequences or dangers associated with invoking these spirits.
What is an Archangel/Olypmpic Spirits Charging Pad?
This Charging Pad is a spiritual tool designed to help you connect with the energy of the archangels and the 7 Olympic Spirits. By placing an object on the charging pad, it is believed that the object will absorb the energies of these powerful beings, providing you with protection, guidance, and support.
How do I use the Archangel Charging Pad?
To use the charging pad, follow these steps:
Find a quiet and peaceful space.
Place the charging pad on a flat surface.
Place an object, such as a crystal, talisman, or piece of jewelry, on the pad.
Set your intention, focusing on the specific archangel or Olympic Spirit you wish to connect with.
Leave the object on the pad for a stipulated amount of time, allowing it to absorb the energies.
Remove the object and carry it with you, or place it in a location where you want the energies to be present.
Can I charge multiple objects at once?
Yes, you can charge multiple objects at once on the charging pad. However, it is important to keep your intentions clear when doing so to avoid confusion or mixed energies.
How often should I use the charging pad?
The frequency of using the charging pad depends on your personal needs and preferences. Some people may benefit from using it daily, while others might use it less frequently. Trust your intuition and use the pad as often as you feel necessary.
Is the charging pad compatible with all religious and spiritual beliefs?
The Archangel Charging Pad is designed to help you connect with the energies of the archangels and Olympic Spirits, which are present in various religious and spiritual traditions. However, it is essential to consider your personal beliefs and practices when using the pad, as different individuals may resonate with different energies or spiritual tools.
Please note that the charging pad is a spiritual tool and should be used with respect and intention. It is not a substitute for professional guidance or a replacement for traditional religious practices.