invoke lilith

How to Invoke LILITH for special Power - Succubus & Incubus

Written by: WOA Team



Time to read 8 min

Who is Lilith?

Engaging in the ritual to summon Lilith is a profound way to connect with the energies of a figure deeply rooted in ancient mythologies and modern symbolisms of empowerment. This guide provides a comprehensive step-by-step approach to summon Lilith, focusing exclusively on her positive attributes. Embracing her essence involves understanding her historical backdrop, respecting her autonomy, and aligning with her empowering energy. This ritual is designed for those who wish to draw on Lilith's strength, wisdom, and transformative power, ensuring a respectful and meaningful connection with her spirit.

Lilith's story is woven through the tapestries of various traditions, primarily within Judaic mythology, where she is depicted as Adam's first companion who asserts her equality and independence. Her narrative has evolved, transforming her into a symbol of the empowered, sovereign female, often associated with the night and the primal, untamed aspects of nature. In contemporary contexts, Lilith has come to embody the fight for autonomy, equality, and the unbridled expression of one's true self. Engaging with her energy is a call to embrace one's personal power and to stand firm in one's convictions.

In Which Cases Can You Use the Positive Powers of Lilith

Embracing Independence and Personal Sovereignty

Lilith’s energy resonates profoundly with the themes of independence and personal sovereignty. Individuals drawn to her are often at a crossroads, seeking the courage to step into their own power and live by their authentic truths. Summoning Lilith in a ritualistic context can act as a catalyst for this transformation. It's about more than just asserting one’s will; it’s about recognizing and dissolving the unseen chains that bind us—social norms, self-imposed limitations, or external expectations. Lilith empowers individuals to cut through these binds, encouraging a life lived with boldness and an unapologetic embrace of one's desires and aspirations. Her energy supports a journey of self-discovery, pushing one to challenge the status quo and redefine personal boundaries.

Healing and Transformation

The summoning of Lilith is deeply intertwined with processes of healing and personal transformation. Her energy is particularly resonant for those navigating the waters of change or seeking to heal from deep-seated wounds. Lilith’s essence is about embracing the totality of oneself, including the shadow aspects that society often compels us to hide. Engaging with her spirit can provide the strength to confront these shadows, facilitating a journey towards wholeness and self-acceptance. This transformative process is empowering, allowing individuals to emerge renewed, having integrated their lessons and embraced their true selves. The healing that comes from working with Lilith is profound, often leading to significant life shifts and a newfound sense of personal power and resilience.

Enhancing Intuition and Magical Practices

For those involved in magical practices or who are keenly attuned to their intuitive faculties, Lilith’s energy can be a powerful ally. She is often associated with the enhancement of psychic abilities, offering a deepening of intuitive insights and a strengthened connection to the unseen realms. Her energy can amplify one’s existing capabilities, sharpening clairvoyance, clairsentience, or other psychic senses. This can be invaluable for practitioners seeking to deepen their spiritual practice, enhance their magical workings, or simply connect more profoundly with their inner guidance. The invocation of Lilith can open gateways to hidden knowledge and wisdom, providing profound insights and empowering practitioners in their magical and spiritual endeavors.


Creating the right setting for summoning Lilith is pivotal, as the environment greatly influences the energy and effectiveness of the ritual. The space should be more than just physically appealing; it should resonate with your innermost intentions and reflect a deep respect for the powerful energy of Lilith. Choose a location where you are unlikely to be disturbed, ensuring privacy and the freedom to fully immerse in the experience. This space should empower you, imbued with items that resonate personally and enhance your spiritual receptivity.

Consider dimming the lights and using candlelight to create a serene, mysterious atmosphere that aligns with Lilith’s nocturnal associations. Arrange the area in a way that it feels balanced and harmonious, perhaps in a circular layout to symbolize the wholeness and the cyclical nature of life, which echoes Lilith's enduring presence through ages. The setting should be a physical manifestation of your inner temple, a sacred altar where the mundane meets the divine, enabling a deep dive into introspection and the subconscious.


The significance of preparation cannot be overstressed in rituals of this magnitude. Mental readiness is the foundation upon which the ritual's success is built. Begin with grounding exercises; these might include barefoot meditation, connecting with the earth element, or simply deep, mindful breathing to anchor your presence in the now. This helps in shedding the superficial layers of daily life, tuning into a deeper, more resonant frequency of your being.

Meditation leading up to the ritual can help clarify your intentions and solidify your resolve. It’s crucial to approach the ritual with a clear mind, focused intention, and an open heart. Reflect on your purpose for summoning Lilith, and what you seek to achieve or understand through this connection. The cleanliness of your space is equally important, as a clutter-free environment mirrors a clear mindset and invites unobstructed energy flow. Arrange your ritual tools in a way that they are not only aesthetically pleasing but also charged with your intention.

Items Needed

  • Steel Altar Tile : Central to your ritual setting, the altar tile engraved with Lilith’s sigil acts as a conduit for her energy, helping to focus and direct your intentions. The sigil serves as a symbolic invitation, opening the gates of communication and welcoming her essence into the sacred space you’ve prepared.

  • Black Candles : The use of black candles is twofold; they are symbolic of protection, warding off any negative or intrusive energies, and they resonate with the energy of the night, reflecting Lilith’s dominion over the dark and the unseen. Their flickering flames can aid in focusing your concentration and heightening your intuitive receptivity.

  • Incense : Select incense that aligns with your intentions and is conducive to spiritual connectivity. Incense acts as an offering as well as a purifying agent, cleansing the space of any residual negativity and filling it with fragrant smoke that uplifts the spirit and honors Lilith’s presence.

  • Bowl of Water : Water is a deeply symbolic element, often associated with the moon, intuition, and the fluidity of emotion. A bowl of clear water can serve as a scrying tool, an offering, or a symbol of the psychic clarity and emotional insight that you’re seeking through this ritual. It reflects the subconscious mind and can aid in unlocking deeper personal insights and intuitions during the ritual.

The Best Offerings for Lilith

Offerings are a fundamental aspect of the summoning ritual, serving as symbols of respect, devotion, and gratitude. When choosing offerings for Lilith, consider their symbolic significance and how they resonate with her attributes:

  • Red Wine : This offering symbolizes the richness of life, passion, and vitality. It's a gesture of acknowledging Lilith’s connection to the deep, often hidden aspects of existence and an offering of earthly pleasures.
  • Pomegranates : With their deep red color and many seeds, pomegranates are symbols of fertility, abundance, and the underworld. They resonate with Lilith’s association with the untamed and primal aspects of nature and the cycles of life and death.
  • Dark Chocolate : This indulgence is associated with luxury, sensuality, and pleasure. Offering dark chocolate can be seen as honoring Lilith’s embodiment of the liberated, unabashedly feminine energy and her connection to the enjoyment of life’s earthly delights.

These offerings are not just physical items but are symbolic gestures that communicate your intentions and respect for Lilith’s energy, helping to establish a connection with her during the ritual.

The Mantra to Call Lilith

A mantra is a powerful tool in any ritual, acting as a vibrational bridge between the practitioner and the spiritual entity. When invoking Lilith, your mantra should be a reflection of your innermost intentions, resonating with the qualities of Lilith you wish to draw upon:

  • Use the mantra that encapsulates your intention, whether it’s seeking wisdom, strength, or empowerment. MINAI LILITH GIKO RASHAME TARADO TAKOTE NANE DO
  • Repeat the mantra with focused intention, allowing the vibration of the words to align your energy with Lilith’s. This repetition helps to center your mind, deepen your meditative state, and strengthen your spiritual connection.

How to Make the Wish

Making your wish is a pivotal moment in the ritual, where you articulate and project your intention into the universe:

  • Be clear and precise in your wording, ensuring that your wish accurately reflects your desires and intentions. Ambiguity can lead to unintended outcomes.
  • Visualize your wish in as much detail as possible, engaging all your senses to imbue your intention with energy. The clarity and strength of your visualization can significantly impact the manifestation of your desire.
  • Embrace the emotion that comes with your wish, feeling as if it has already come to fruition. The emotional intensity helps to charge your intention with the necessary energy to manifest in your reality.

Closing the Ritual

Concluding the ritual properly is crucial to ensure that the energies raised are appropriately sealed and to express your gratitude to Lilith for her presence:

  • Symbolically extinguish the candles, signifying the end of your direct engagement with Lilith’s energy but not the end of her influence or the manifestation process.
  • Clear the space with sage, sound, or other purifying methods, restoring balance and peace to the area, ensuring that no residual energies remain.
  • Reflect on the ritual, acknowledging any sensations, thoughts, or emotions that arose during the process, as these can be insightful or prophetic.

After the Ritual

The period following the ritual is vital for integration and openness to any messages or changes:

  • Journal about your experience, noting any immediate feelings, insights, or visions that came during the ritual. This can be a valuable record of your spiritual journey and a way to process and integrate the experience.
  • Pay attention to dreams, intuitive hits, or synchronicities in the days and weeks following the ritual, as these can be messages from Lilith or indicators of your wish manifesting.
  • Maintain an open, receptive state of mind, allowing the energies set in motion during the ritual to unfold and manifest in your life, being ready to accept the changes or insights that come.

This comprehensive approach ensures a respectful, focused, and intentional engagement with Lilith, inviting her empowering essence into your life while honoring the deep and transformative nature of her energy.

Check out the video we made for the summoning of Lilith

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Autor: Takaharu

Dive into the mystical with me, Takaharu, guide and master at the Terra Incognita School of Magic. Boasting over 31 years of enchantments, I'm your go-to for all things Olympian Gods, the mystifying Abraxas, and the nuanced world of Demonology. Within our magical halls and our charming shop (where the unexpected is just another Tuesday), I stand ready to unveil the arcane, steering you through the esoteric with a wink and a spell. Embark on this bewitching adventure, where ancient wisdom meets a dash of whimsy, and discover the magic that doesn’t just sparkle, but occasionally bursts into unpredictable laughter.

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