umbrai alarion | protection amulet

Umbrai Alarion Protection Amulet with 7 Demons

Written by: WOA Team



Time to read 12 min

Umbrai Alarion: Full Protection with the Guardians of Shadows

In the cosmos's complex tapestry, a certain kind of guardians, shrouded in mystery and misunderstanding, exist. These guardians are none other than demons, celestial entities that carry not just destructive but protective powers as well. These include Demon Halphas, Demon Malphas, Demon Sabnock, Demon Asmodeus, Demon Barbatos, Demon Andrealphus, and Demon Andromalius. Each holds distinct powers that resonate with various aspects of the universe, including planets, gemstones, flowers, plants, metals, and zodiac signs.

Michael D. - "The Umbrai Alarion amulet has exceeded my expectations. Its mystical power feels tangible, like a steadfast guardian enveloping me in safety. I've noticed a significant decrease in negative vibes around me. The design is both elegant and profound, resonating with an ancient energy that is both comforting and empowering. Five stars for this beautifully crafted piece that blends art with spiritual potency!"

The Unveiling: Demon Protection Amulet Umbrai Alarion

Wield the power of protection with the Demon Protection Amulet Umbrai Alarion, a talisman imbued with the spirits of these seven celestial guardians. Empowered by the cosmic connection, this amulet stands as your shield, a beacon of fortification against negativity.

Demon Halphas: The Guardian of Strategies

Sophia B. - "Ever since I started wearing the Umbrai Alarion amulet, I feel a deep sense of security that I've never experienced before. Negative energy seems to be repelled, and I'm surrounded by a serene aura. The design is not only stunning but truly empowering, acting as a spiritual armor against unseen forces. It's a perfect blend of beauty and protection, certainly worthy of a full five stars!"

Demon Halphas, a martial commander of cosmic forces, is primarily associated with strategy and protective tactics. This demon's planet is Mars, symbolizing strength and fortitude, while its gemstone is bloodstone, known for its grounding and shielding properties.

Halphas is intrinsically connected to the thistle flower and thorny plants, symbolizing resilience and protection. Its metal, iron, signifies strength and determination. As an Aries in the Zodiac, Halphas possesses boldness and initiative. In the demonic hierarchy, Halphas is a count, reflecting its strategic and commanding qualities.

Demon Malphas: The Architect of Safeguards

Next is Demon Malphas, a demon associated with the protective aspects of construction and the planet Saturn. Its gemstone, onyx, promotes grounding and acts as a defensive against negativity.

Malphas resonates with the foxglove flower and ivy plant, signifying protection and survival. With lead as its metal and Capricorn as its zodiac sign, Malphas symbolizes determination and practicality. It stands as a president in the demonic hierarchy, showcasing its structural and planning attributes.

Demon Sabnock: The Shield of Fortitude

Ethan W. - "I was skeptical at first, but the Umbrai Alarion amulet has brought an unexpected peace of mind to my life. It's as if I've been placed in a bubble of positivity, with negative energy now seeming to bypass me completely. The craftsmanship is impeccable, and the connection to the mystical realm is palpable. A solid five-star rating for a product that brings ancient protection into modern life."

Demon Sabnock, a formidable protector, aligns with the Moon. It's affiliated with the pearl gemstone, known for purity and protection. Sabnock's flower, the white rose, symbolizes innocence and defensive magic.

The plant linked with Sabnock is the birch tree, embodying protection and purification. Its metal, silver, represents clarity and mirror-like reflection of negative energies. This demon is connected with Cancer on the Zodiac, reflecting nurturing and protective qualities. Sabnock serves as a marquis in the demonic hierarchy, indicating its position as a protector and caretaker.

Demon Asmodeus: The Protector of Relationships

Demon Asmodeus, representing loyalty and fidelity, is linked to the planet Venus. The gemstone associated with this demon is emerald, signifying love and protection in relationships.

Asmodeus resonates with the daisy flower and the apple plant, symbols of love and unity. Its metal is copper, representing love and protection, while the zodiac sign Taurus signifies loyalty and practicality. Asmodeus, a king in the demonic hierarchy, signifies a dominant protective force in relationships.

Demon Barbatos: The Harmonizer of Bonds

Demon Barbatos, a demon of harmony and friendship, is connected with Mercury. Its gemstone, agate, promotes harmony and protection against negative energies.

Barbatos is linked with the daffodil flower and clover plant, symbols of friendship and protective bonds. Tin, its metal, signifies flexibility and adaptability. As a Gemini in the Zodiac, Barbatos symbolizes communication and adaptability. It serves as a duke in the demonic hierarchy, representing its diplomatic and harmonizing qualities.

Demon Andrealphus: The Keeper of Perception

Isabella R. - "The craftsmanship of the Umbrai Alarion amulet is top-notch, and the sense of balance it's brought into my life is genuinely transformative. I've felt a shift in my energy, becoming more balanced and protected against negativity. The amulet's aesthetic is not only pleasing but also a powerful conduit for ancient wisdom. I highly recommend this to anyone seeking to add a layer of spiritual defense to their life."

Demon Andrealphus, a demon of perception and protective insight, is associated with Neptune. Its gemstone, amethyst, enhances intuition and provides spiritual protection.

Andrealphus resonates with the orchid flower and sage plant, both symbols of spiritual insight and protection. The metal linked with this demon is zinc, representing transformation and protection. As a Pisces in the Zodiac, Andrealphus symbolizes intuition and emotional sensitivity. It serves as a marquis in the demonic hierarchy, indicating its role in protective insight and understanding.

Demon Andromalius: The Sentinel of Truth

Lastly, Demon Andromalius, the sentinel of truth and protection against deception, is linked with Jupiter. Its gemstone, lapis lazuli, promotes truth and protection against dishonesty.

Andromalius resonates with the hyacinth flower and bay laurel plant, signifying truth and victory. Its metal is tin, symbolizing expansion and honesty. As a Sagittarius in the Zodiac, Andromalius symbolizes truth and optimism. It serves as an earl in the demonic hierarchy, representing its protective qualities against deception and false intentions.

Embrace the Power of the Cosmos

Understanding the protective attributes of these demons and their corresponding celestial connections can empower you. Each demon provides a unique shield of protection that aligns with different aspects of our lives. The Demon Protection Amulet Umbrai Alarion unites their energies, creating an indomitable cosmic armor. Embrace this knowledge, harness their protective energies, and stand firm against the unseen negativity that may surround you. With this amulet, the cosmic guardians stand with you, for you.

Delving Deeper: The Enigma of the Umbrai Alarion Amulet

Alexander T. - "Truly remarkable! The Umbrai Alarion amulet is a beacon of protection, warding off negativity with an almost magnetic force. I've noticed fewer negative vibes in my presence since wearing it. Additionally, the amulet serves as a constant reminder of my commitment to spiritual growth. It's a combination of art and ancient protection, deserving of the highest praise and a solid five-star rating from me."

The Demon Protection Amulet Umbrai Alarion stands as a mystical fusion of cosmic energies, an amalgamation of ancient symbolism, potent colors, and cosmic guardians. Delve into its deeper aspects as we explore its unique sextagram design, the energetic vibration of silver and black, and the collective power of the seven protective demons.

Video of the Protection Amulet Umbrai Alarion

The Sextagram Design: Unity, Balance, and Protection

At the center of the Umbrai Alarion Amulet lies the six-pointed star, the sextagram. This star, a historical symbol of harmony, unity, and balance, mirrors the perfect amalgamation of the seven protective demons. The sextagram serves as a blueprint for the amulet's intricate network of energies and forms the basis for its protective powers.

Representing the Seven Guardians

Each point of the sextagram represents one of 6 protective demons: Halphas, Malphas, Sabnock, Barbatos, Andrealphus, and Andromalius with the center point being Asmodeus. This symbolic representation anchors their specific energies, each point acting as a conduit channeling the distinct protective power of the respective demon into the amulet.

Interconnectedness of Energy

The connecting lines within the sextagram represent the harmonious energy flow between these celestial guardians. These lines are not mere designs, but they symbolize a web of energetic interconnectivity, fostering a synergy among the demons.

This interconnectedness ensures a balanced distribution of energies within the amulet, reinforcing the amulet's protective barrier. It's a delicate dance of cosmic forces, each demon contributing to the collective protective power while harmoniously aligning with the others.

Mia C. - "The harmony the Umbrai Alarion amulet brings into my life is phenomenal. It’s as if the seven demons themselves ensure my well-being, each one casting a protective aura. The feeling of tranquility is remarkable, and the design is an absolute wonder to behold. Full five stars for a piece that not only secures serenity but also enchants with its mystical beauty."

The Umbrai Alarion Protection Amulet

Energetic Vibration of Silver and Black

William S. - "I gifted the Umbrai Alarion amulet to my wife, and she absolutely adores it! She's noticed a significant change in her daily aura, feeling much more positive and guarded against external stressors. The quality is undeniable, and the spiritual peace it offers is a true testament to its ancient roots. This is a five-star spiritual accessory that has a meaningful impact."

The Umbrai Alarion Amulet incorporates the colors silver and black in its design, a deliberate choice aimed at tapping into their unique energetic vibrations.

Power of Silver

Silver is synonymous with the moon, intuition, and the subconscious. As a potent reflector, silver acts as an energetic mirror, reflecting away negativity and enhancing the wearer's intuitive abilities.

This color amplifies the connection to the protective demons, magnifying their protective attributes, and enhancing the overall potency of the amulet. As such, silver becomes an indispensable component in the construction of this shield of protection.

Strength of Black

Black, on the other hand, serves as an absorber of negative energy. Known for its grounding and protective attributes, black creates an energetic armor around the wearer, absorbing and neutralizing harmful energies.

The balance of these colors, their unique vibrational frequencies combined, create a dynamic shield, a potent protector against negative forces.

Harnessing the Collective Protection

The Demon Protection Amulet Umbrai Alarion brings together the unique protective attributes of the seven celestial guardians. Each demon lends its energy, creating a robust, comprehensive shield that covers various aspects of protection.

The amulet, through its sextagram design and color vibration, harmoniously integrates these energies. As such, the wearer benefits from a balanced, potent protection that shields against all negative forces, whether they be physical, emotional, or spiritual.

The Umbrai Alarion Amulet stands as a beacon of profound cosmic protection, a testament to the protective powers of the seven celestial guardians. Its unique design and strategic use of color vibration ensure a robust defense mechanism, one that can empower and protect any individual who chooses to harness its energy.

The depth of the Umbrai Alarion Amulet is immense, transcending simple designs and colours. One of its most profound aspects is the connection of each demon with a specific chakra, and the representation of the body, mind, and spirit through three circles.

Demon-Chakra Alignment: A Flow of Cosmic Energies

The seven protective demons are not just celestial guardians; they are also intricately connected with our body's chakra system, each resonating with a specific energy center. This connection infuses the amulet with a potent vibrational frequency, aligning the wearer's energy system with the protective powers of the cosmos.

Halphas and the Root Chakra

Halphas, the guardian of strategies, resonates with the Root Chakra. This alignment grounds us, fortifying our sense of security and survival instincts, ultimately strengthening our strategic and protective capabilities.

Malphas and the Sacral Chakra

Malphas, the architect of safeguards, connects with the Sacral Chakra. This connection enhances our ability to adapt and manage changes, underpinning our protective planning and constructive abilities.

Sabnock and the Solar Plexus Chakra

Sabnock, the shield of fortitude, aligns with the Solar Plexus Chakra. This alignment empowers our self-confidence and assertiveness, thereby boosting our protective and nurturing capabilities.

Asmodeus and the Heart Chakra

Asmodeus, the protector of relationships, resonates with the Heart Chakra. This connection opens our ability to give and receive love, guarding our relationships and emotional bonds.

Barbatos and the Throat Chakra

Barbatos, the harmonizer of bonds, connects with the Throat Chakra. This alignment enhances our communication skills, enabling harmonious interactions and protective bonds.

Andrealphus and the Third Eye Chakra

Andrealphus, the keeper of perception, aligns with the Third Eye Chakra. This connection deepens our intuition and insight, ensuring spiritual insight and protective understanding.

Andromalius and the Crown Chakra

Andromalius, the sentinel of truth, resonates with the Crown Chakra. This alignment links us to the universe's wisdom, protecting us against deception and false intentions.

The Three Circles: Body, Mind, and Spirit

The design of the Umbrai Alarion Amulet also includes three interconnected circles. These circles represent the three aspects of our being: the body, mind, and spirit.

The outer circle signifies the physical body, a vessel that interacts with our physical environment. The middle circle represents the mind, the source of our thoughts, perceptions, and emotions. The innermost circle symbolizes the spirit, our core essence that connects us with the divine.

Together, these three circles depict the holistic nature of protection provided by the Umbrai Alarion Amulet. It safeguards not just our physical body but also our mental and spiritual well-being. It ensures that the protective energies of the demons permeate every layer of our existence, establishing a shield that guards our entirety.

The connection of each demon with a specific chakra and the representation of the body, mind, and spirit through three circles makes the Umbrai Alarion Amulet a comprehensive tool for protection. This amulet signifies a fusion of celestial and personal energies, creating a protective shield that extends beyond the physical realm into the depths of our consciousness.

Ava L. - "The Umbrai Alarion amulet is a masterpiece of mystical elegance. It has become an indispensable part of my daily routine, infusing each moment with a sense of protection and empowerment. I’ve never felt safer and more in tune with my inner self. It’s not just an amulet; it’s a vessel of ancient strength and beauty. It definitely deserves five stars!"

Amulets provide protection and channel specific energies to enhance the wearer’s life, creating a constant flow of beneficial forces. Grimoires serve as comprehensive guides, containing rituals and invocations that unlock deeper connections with spiritual entities and magical knowledge. Initiations to spirits and demons can foster a powerful alliance, granting the initiated access to wisdom, guidance, and even material benefits by aligning with these forces. Magical sigils act as focal points for intention, allowing individuals to manifest their desires by concentrating and directing energy through symbolic representation. All of these potent tools are activated by the masters of Terra Incognita Coven, who possess the deep knowledge and expertise needed to unlock their full power. These practices are accessible to everyone, offering tools to tap into the universal energies around us, harnessing spiritual power for personal growth, protection, and success. 

terra incognita school of magic

Autor: Takaharu

Takaharu is master at the Terra Incognita school of Magic, specialized in the Olympian Gods, Abraxas and Demonology. He is also the person in charge of this website and shop and you will find him in the school of magic and in customer support. Takaharu has over 31 years of experience in magic. 

Terra Incognita school of magic

Amulets - Talisman - Magic - Rituals