How to Summon Stolas - Ritual of the Terra Incognita Coven

Written by: WOA Team



Time to read 6 min

Stolas Revealed: Master the Ritual of Enlightenment with the Prince of Hell

Embarking on the ritual to summon Stolas is to connect with a being of profound wisdom and power, rooted in ancient traditions of demonology. This guide is crafted with meticulous care, offering a step-by-step pathway to engage with Stolas, focusing solely on the positive facets of his vast knowledge. Esteemed in esoteric circles for his deep understanding of the cosmos and the natural world, Stolas is often sought after by those who are drawn to the arcane mysteries of the universe. This ritual is tailored for seekers of hidden knowledge, providing a methodical approach to achieve a respectful and enlightening connection with this mighty prince of the infernal realms, ensuring that the practitioner is well-prepared to engage with his enlightened wisdom.

Who is Stolas?

Within the hierarchy of infernal spirits, Stolas stands out as a prince, often visualized as an owl or a noble figure adorned with a crown, embodying wisdom and nobility. His expertise is not limited to mere infernal matters but extends to a profound mastery over the celestial spheres, offering insights into the movements of the stars and the hidden virtues of herbs and stones. Invoking Stolas goes beyond conventional summoning; it is an intellectual and spiritual journey, aiming to harness his ancient wisdom to expand one’s understanding of the natural and the mystical realms. He is a beacon for scholars, mystics, and seekers, offering his guidance to those prepared to delve into the complexities of the universe under his tutelage.

In Which Cases Can You Use the Positive Powers of Stolas

The invocation of Stolas is especially beneficial in scenarios where deep, esoteric knowledge is sought. His benevolence is manifested in various forms, suitable for:

  • Advancing one’s mastery in astronomical sciences and celestial phenomena.
  • Uncovering profound herbal and stone-related healings and magics.
  • Guiding individuals on their path to spiritual enlightenment and higher wisdom.
  • Facilitating a transformative connection with the natural world, revealing its secret workings and ancient truths.

Best Day and Hour for the Ritual to Summon Stolas

Aligning with the celestial timing enhances the ritual’s effectiveness, with the new moon providing a potent backdrop for new ventures and the acquisition of hidden knowledge. The hour of Jupiter, resonating with abundance and wisdom, particularly when it graces the dawn or twilight skies on Thursdays, creates an auspicious alignment, setting the stage for a successful invocation of Stolas, enhancing the ritual’s resonance with the energies of growth, learning, and spiritual expansion.


The chosen environment plays a pivotal role in the ritual's success, necessitating a space where earth and sky meet, undisturbed, allowing the practitioner to draw upon the energies of the cosmos while firmly rooted in the natural world. This sacred space should be a sanctuary of peace and power, where the veil between worlds is thin, and the presence of Stolas can be felt most profoundly, ideally under the canopy of the night sky, where his celestial domain is most vibrant.


Mental and spiritual preparation is crucial, involving not only meditative practices to center the mind and spirit but also the physical purification of the ritual space. This preparatory phase is essential for aligning oneself with Stolas’s high vibrational energy, ensuring that the summoner is fully present, focused, and spiritually attuned, ready to engage with the powerful, ancient spirit on a profound level, setting a foundation of respect and mutual understanding.

Items Needed

  • A finely crafted steel altar tile, bearing the intricate sigil of Stolas, serves as a focal point for the ritual, anchoring the summoner’s intent and the spiritual presence of the demon.
  • Ceremonial candles in shades of black or deep blue, symbolizing the vastness of the night sky and the depth of Stolas’s wisdom.
  • Sacred incense such as frankincense or myrrh, which purifies the space and facilitates a connection to the spiritual realms.
  • High-quality parchment, acting as a tangible medium for intentions and desires, capturing the essence of the summoner’s will.
  • Ritual attire, selected for its spiritual significance, envelops the summoner in an aura of sacredness, enhancing the ritual's solemnity.
  • A quill and ink, traditional tools for documenting esoteric knowledge, ready to transcribe any divine wisdom or mystical insights received from Stolas.

The Best Offerings for Stolas

The offerings should resonate with Stolas's nature, embodying respect and alignment with his celestial wisdom. These carefully chosen gifts serve as a testament to the summoner’s reverence and dedication:

  1. Owl feathers, aligning with Stolas’s avatar, symbolize the wisdom and insight that he bestows.
  2. Precious stones such as lapis lazuli or sapphire, mirroring the night sky and fostering a deeper connection to astral knowledge.
  3. Sacred herbs, including mugwort or wormwood, known for their spiritual properties and their ability to bridge earthly and astral realms.
  4. Fragrant woods or resins, which when burned, release heavenly aromas that invite Stolas’s presence and favor.
  5. Fine wines or aged mead, offerings that honor ancient traditions and please the refined tastes of a celestial prince.
  6. Symbols or tools of astronomy, reflecting his domain and passion for the celestial sciences.
  7. Pure, clear water, a universal symbol of life and clarity, offered in a chalice as a sign of purity and sincerity.
  8. Gourmet delicacies like dark chocolate or ripe figs, celebrating the earthly pleasures and the richness of nature’s bounty.
  9. Rich, grounding incense such as sandalwood, creating an aromatic ambiance that welcomes Stolas’s energy.
  10. Literary contributions, whether scholarly articles or poetic verses, dedicated to the realms of Stolas’s rulership, demonstrating the summoner’s commitment to the pursuit of knowledge.

The Mantra to Call This Demon

This sacred chant is to be voiced with clarity and intent, forming a verbal bridge between the summoner and the infernal prince, encapsulating the reverence and earnestness of the practitioner’s call for communion with Stolas, invoking his ancient wisdom and celestial power. Mantra: BISHAI STOLAS IKIDUNA MEROMIKAIMA BEDE TIRAMA ARITA OKIO

How to Make the Wish

The articulation of one’s wish or intent is a critical moment in the ritual, requiring clear, focused thought and a detailed envisioning of the desired guidance or knowledge, imbued with the highest respect for Stolas’s mighty intellect and benevolent insight, ensuring that the request resonates with the higher purposes of wisdom and enlightenment.

Closing the Ritual to Summon Stolas

This phase is crucial for safely concluding the engagement, involving gestures of gratitude and the ceremonial closing of the space, ensuring that the spiritual exchange is sealed with honor and respect, leaving a lasting bond between the summoner and Stolas, marked by mutual understanding and the imparting of arcane wisdom.

After the Ritual

Post-ritual reflections are vital for integrating the experience, where insights, dreams, or signs should be attentively observed and recorded, maintaining a state of openness and receptivity to the ongoing influence and guidance of Stolas, allowing the wisdom imparted during the ritual to unfold and manifest in the summoner’s life.

This expanded guide offers a thorough framework for engaging with Stolas in a ritualistic context, providing an in-depth understanding of each step, ensuring that practitioners are well-equipped to undertake this profound spiritual journey. By adhering to these detailed instructions, one can approach the summoning of Stolas with the necessary reverence, preparedness, and clarity of purpose, fostering a meaningful and transformative interaction with this ancient and wise entity.

terra incognita school of magic

Autor: Takaharu

Takaharu is master at the Terra Incognita school of Magic, specialized in the Olympian Gods, Abraxas and Demonology. He is also the person in charge of this website and shop and you will find him in the school of magic and in customer support. Takaharu has over 31 years of experience in magic. 

Terra Incognita school of magic

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