goetic demons

Goetic Demons

Written by: White Cloud



Time to read 20 min

Goetic Demons: Unveiling the Mysteries of Supernatural Entities

The Goetic Demons, as listed in the Lesser Key of Solomon, comprise a host of 72 entities. They form a complex hierarchy within the demonology, embodying various elements of the universe, each with its distinct nature, symbol, and powers. From the grand King Baal to the lesser known entities, each spirit presents a rich tapestry of lore and symbolism that echoes the manifold facets of human existence. 

Brace yourself for a captivating adventure that delves into the depths of the supernatural. Are you ready to unveil the secrets of the Goetic Demons?

Goetic Demons: The Gateway to Unknown Wisdom

The Goetic Demons, though feared for their reputed malevolence, are also revered as carriers of profound wisdom. Scholars and practitioners of the arcane argue that these entities represent different facets of the human psyche and consciousness. Delving into their lore, one might find mirrors to one's own subconscious fears, desires, and ambitions, thus illuminating the darker corners of our minds.

Goetic Demons: Conjuring Ancient Spirits

Summoning the Goetic Demons requires careful preparation and a deep understanding of the esoteric. The rituals, steeped in ancient symbolism, seek to bring forth these spirits into our realm. Yet, even the most experienced occultists approach this process with due respect, recognizing the potent forces they are calling upon.

Goetic Demons: Encountering the Primal Forces of the Universe

Interactions with the Goetic Demons can catalyze profound personal transformations. Each encounter is a lesson, a challenge, or a test that pushes the boundaries of our understanding and endurance. These primal forces, in their raw and undiluted form, confront us with our deepest fears and highest aspirations, often compelling introspection and self-growth.

Goetic Demons: Exploring the Archetypes of Power and Wisdom

Goetic Demons embody both the enlightening and destructive aspects of power and wisdom. They are archetypes that encapsulate our struggle with these dualities, posing questions about morality, ambition, and the cost of knowledge. Engaging with these spirits allows us to grapple with these complex issues and can provide unique perspectives on navigating the intricacies of life.

Goetic Demons: Unveiling the Hidden Realms

Unveiling the world of Goetic Demons transports us to realms hitherto unknown, pulling back the veil that separates the physical and the metaphysical. These explorations not only shed light on the intricate, multidimensional fabric of existence but also challenge our preconceived notions about reality, expanding the horizons of our understanding.

Goetic Demons: The Mystical Art of Solomon 

King Solomon's wisdom and magical prowess have shaped the path of Western occult tradition. His influence, embodied in the Goetic catalogue of spirits, continues to reverberate through time. This legacy stands as a testament to our enduring fascination with the mystical and the unseen, and the eternal quest for knowledge that transcends the physical realm.

Goetic Demons: The Intricate World of Demonology 

Demonology, the study of demons and other supernatural entities, offers a unique vantage point to explore the complex relationship between humans and the unseen world. The study of Goetic Demons, in particular, illuminates our collective fears, desires, and aspirations, echoing the interplay between humanity and the supernatural that has characterized our history and mythology.

Goetic Demons: Deciphering the Language of Spirits 

Communicating with Goetic Demons requires mastery over a complex symbolic language of sigils, incantations, and ritualistic gestures. This language, arcane and mystifying, serves as a bridge between our world and theirs. To the uninitiated, it might seem incomprehensible, but to the learned, it opens the door to a realm of unparalleled spiritual experiences.

Goetic Demons: The Fine Line Between Darkness and Light

The narrative surrounding Goetic Demons blurs the traditional lines between good and evil, light and dark. Many are depicted as fallen angels, suggesting a dual nature that challenges binary moral categorizations. By acknowledging and engaging with these complexities, we are compelled to reassess our understanding of morality, moving beyond black-and-white notions to recognize the gray areas that define our reality.

Connect with your Goetic Demon

List of the Goetic Demons and the powers according ot the Ars Goetia

Exploring the world of Goetia reveals a host of powerful spirits, each possessing unique and beneficial abilities. This guide delves into the positive and usable powers of these fascinating entities, providing insights into how their skills can be harnessed for personal and professional growth.

1. King Bael

Powers: Grants invisibility, bestows wisdom, and strategic thinking.
Details: Bael can make one invisible, a useful skill for evading detection or moving unseen. His gift of wisdom enhances decision-making abilities, allowing one to navigate complex situations with clarity. His strategic thinking aids in planning and executing complex tasks efficiently, making him an asset in both personal and professional endeavors.

2. Duke Agares

Powers: Teaches all languages, enhances communication, guides in complex situations.
Details: Agares is an invaluable ally for those looking to master new languages quickly, which can open up numerous opportunities in global interactions. His influence improves communication skills, making it easier to express oneself clearly and effectively. Agares also provides guidance in navigating complex situations, ensuring that one can handle challenges with poise and confidence.

3. Prince Vassago

Powers: Declares the past, present, and future, sharpens intuition, provides clarity.
Details: Vassago’s ability to reveal timelines offers profound insights into past events, current situations, and future possibilities. He enhances intuitive skills, helping to foresee outcomes and make informed decisions. This clarity can be invaluable in both personal life and professional projects, ensuring that one can act with foresight and confidence.

4. Marquis Samigina

Powers: Teaches liberal sciences, inspires intellectual curiosity, deepens understanding.
Details: Samigina’s knowledge of liberal sciences promotes a well-rounded education, fostering a deeper understanding of various academic disciplines. He inspires a passion for learning and intellectual curiosity, encouraging continuous growth and exploration. This can lead to greater innovation and creativity in one’s work and personal pursuits.

5. President Marbas

Powers: Answers hidden questions, heals diseases, teaches mechanical arts, promotes innovation.
Details: Marbas excels in revealing secrets and offering solutions to medical issues, making him a valuable resource for uncovering hidden information and healing ailments. His teachings in mechanical arts foster creativity and practical problem-solving skills, driving innovation in engineering, technology, and other fields.

6. Duke Valefor

Powers: Encourages strategic thinking, enhances leadership skills.
Details: Valefor’s influence sharpens one’s ability to plan and strategize effectively, essential for achieving long-term goals. He nurtures leadership qualities, helping individuals to guide teams, make impactful decisions, and inspire others.

7. Marquis Amon

Powers: Reconciles controversies, provides future insights, fosters harmony.
Details: Amon is adept at resolving conflicts and bringing peace to contentious situations. His foresight into future events aids in planning and decision-making, allowing individuals to navigate challenges with confidence. Amon’s influence fosters harmonious relationships, promoting cooperation and mutual understanding.

8. Duke Barbatos

Powers: Understands animal voices, enhances empathy and communication with nature.
Details: Barbatos bridges the gap between humans and animals, enhancing empathy and understanding of the natural world. His ability to interpret animal voices fosters a deeper connection with nature, promoting environmental awareness and conservation efforts.

9. King Paimon

Powers: Reveals Earth’s mysteries, enhances spiritual awareness, offers profound insights.
Details: Paimon’s revelations about the natural elements deepen spiritual understanding and awareness. He offers profound insights that can guide one’s spiritual journey and personal growth, promoting a sense of interconnectedness with the world.

10. President Buer

Powers: Teaches philosophy and logic, heals diseases, promotes holistic health.
Details: Buer’s teachings in philosophy and logic sharpen intellectual capabilities, fostering critical thinking and ethical reasoning. His healing abilities support physical and mental well-being, promoting a holistic approach to health that encompasses mind, body, and spirit.

11. Duke Gusion

Powers: Answers all questions, reconciles friendships, provides honors.
Details: Gusion’s wisdom covers past, present, and future events, offering comprehensive insights into any situation. He excels in mending relationships, fostering reconciliation and mutual respect. Gusion’s ability to bestow honors and dignities enhances social standing and recognition, promoting success and fulfillment.

12. Prince Sitri

Powers: Enhances romantic connections, fosters openness.
Details: Sitri’s influence ignites passion and fosters open communication in relationships, promoting honesty and emotional intimacy. His powers strengthen romantic bonds, helping partners to connect on a deeper level and maintain a healthy, loving relationship.

13. King Beleth

Powers: Causes love between individuals, strengthens emotional bonds.
Details: Beleth’s ability to kindle love strengthens emotional connections, fostering deep and meaningful relationships. His influence helps individuals to build and maintain strong, loving bonds with others, promoting emotional fulfillment and stability.

14. Marquis Leraje

Powers: Sharpens strategic thinking, fosters resilience.
Details: Leraje’s influence prepares individuals for conflicts and challenges, enhancing their ability to think strategically and act decisively. His powers foster resilience, helping individuals to overcome obstacles and persevere in the face of adversity.

15. Duke Eligos

Powers: Discovers hidden things, enhances tactical planning and foresight.
Details: Eligos reveals concealed information and offers strategic insights, aiding in meticulous planning and foresight. His abilities are particularly valuable in competitive environments, where understanding hidden factors and anticipating future developments can provide a significant advantage.

16. Duke Zepar

Powers: Enhances charisma and influence in romantic endeavors.
Details: Zepar’s powers boost personal charisma, making individuals more attractive and influential in romantic pursuits. His influence fosters successful relationships, helping individuals to connect deeply with their partners and maintain passionate, loving bonds.

17. Count/President Botis

Powers: Reconciles friends and foes, promotes conflict resolution and foresight.
Details: Botis is a master of peacemaking, resolving conflicts and fostering reconciliation. His foresight aids in anticipating and navigating future challenges, ensuring that individuals can maintain harmonious relationships and avoid unnecessary disputes.

18. Duke Bathin

Powers: Transports swiftly, knows virtues of herbs and stones, fosters adventure.
Details: Bathin’s ability to transport people instantly promotes exploration and adventure, allowing individuals to travel effortlessly and discover new experiences. His knowledge of herbs and stones offers practical wisdom for health and well-being, promoting natural remedies and holistic practices.

19. Duke Sallos

Powers: Promotes harmonious relationships and emotional connection.
Details: Sallos’s influence enhances emotional bonds and fosters harmony in relationships, ensuring mutual understanding and love. His powers help individuals to build and maintain strong, supportive connections with others.

20. King Purson

Powers: Reveals hidden things and treasures, sharpens intuition.
Details: Purson’s insights into hidden matters and treasures enhance one’s intuitive abilities, aiding in the discovery of valuable insights and opportunities. His influence helps individuals to trust their instincts and make informed decisions.

21. Count/President Marax

Powers: Teaches astronomy and herb knowledge, fosters scientific curiosity.
Details: Marax promotes a deep understanding of astronomy and the properties of herbs, nurturing scientific curiosity and practical knowledge. His teachings encourage individuals to explore the natural world and develop a comprehensive understanding of its mysteries.

22. Count/Prince Ipos

Powers: Reveals past, present, and future, makes people witty and valiant.
Details: Ipos’s revelations provide comprehensive insights into past events, current situations, and future possibilities. His influence enhances wit and courage, helping individuals to navigate challenges with confidence and intellectual agility.

23. Duke Aim

Powers: Enhances creativity and problem-solving skills.
Details: Aim fosters creative thinking and offers solutions to private matters, aiding in personal and professional challenges. His influence promotes innovation and strategic planning, ensuring that individuals can tackle obstacles with ingenuity.

24. Marquis Naberius

Powers: Makes people cunning in arts, especially rhetoric, restores dignities.
Details: Naberius enhances eloquence and cunning, particularly in rhetorical arts. His ability to restore lost dignities and honors promotes resilience and recognition, helping individuals to regain their status and achieve success.

25. Count/President Glasya-Labolas

Powers: Teaches all arts and sciences, causes love among friends and foes, makes people invisible.
Details: Glasya-Labolas’s comprehensive teachings enhance intellectual growth and social harmony, promoting a broad understanding of various disciplines. His influence fosters love and cooperation among friends and adversaries alike, while his power of invisibility provides strategic advantages in numerous situations.

26. Duke Bune

Powers: Makes people eloquent and wise, provides true answers and riches.
Details: Bune’s influence promotes eloquence and wisdom, helping individuals to communicate effectively and make sound decisions. His ability to provide true answers and material wealth ensures success and prosperity in various endeavors.

27. Marquis/Count Ronove

Powers: Teaches rhetoric and languages, provides good servants and favor.
Details: Ronove enhances linguistic abilities, fostering effective communication and mastery of multiple languages. His influence ensures that individuals receive support and favor from others, promoting social harmony and cooperation.

28. Duke Berith

Powers: Tells past, present, and future, turns metals into gold, gives dignities.
Details: Berith’s alchemical skills and foresight offer wealth and recognition, transforming ordinary metals into gold and providing valuable insights into timelines. His ability to bestow dignities and confirm them promotes social status and honor.

29. Duke Astaroth

Powers: Reveals past, present, and future, discovers all secrets.
Details: Astaroth’s comprehensive knowledge of timelines and secrets provides profound insights into various aspects of life. His influence helps individuals to uncover hidden truths and make informed decisions, promoting strategic planning and personal growth.

30. Marquis Forneus

Powers: Makes people well-liked and knowledgeable in rhetoric and languages.
Details: Forneus’s influence enhances social popularity and intellectual growth, promoting effective communication and mastery of languages. His abilities ensure that individuals are well-received and respected in their social circles.

31. President Foras

Powers: Teaches logic and ethics, finds lost things and treasures.
Details: Foras’s teachings in logic and ethics foster moral integrity and critical thinking. His ability to find lost items and treasures provides practical solutions to everyday problems, ensuring that individuals can recover valuable possessions and insights.

32. King Asmoday

Powers: Gives ring of virtues, teaches arithmetic, geometry, and handicrafts, answers all questions, indicates hidden treasures.
Details: Asmoday’s teachings enhance practical skills and intellectual capabilities, promoting mastery in various crafts and disciplines. His insights into hidden treasures and virtues offer protection and strategic advantages, ensuring success and personal growth.

33. Prince/President Gaap

Powers: Teaches philosophy and sciences, causes love or hatred, delivers familiars, answers past, present, and future, transports swiftly.
Details: Gaap’s versatile teachings cover various disciplines, promoting comprehensive knowledge and intellectual growth. His influence on emotions and rapid transportation offers strategic benefits, ensuring that individuals can navigate challenges and opportunities effectively.

34. Count Furfur

Powers: Creates love, controls storms, teaches divine secrets.
Details: Furfur’s abilities to control natural elements and foster emotional connections enhance personal and environmental mastery. His teachings on divine secrets provide deep spiritual insights, promoting a profound understanding of the universe.

35. Marquis Marchosias

Powers: Strong and reliable fighter, enhances combat skills.
Details: Marchosias’s combat prowess and reliability offer strategic advantages in conflicts, enhancing one’s fighting skills and resilience. His influence ensures that individuals are well-prepared to face and overcome adversaries.

36. Prince Stolas

Powers: Teaches astronomy and herb knowledge.
Details: Stolas’s teachings in astronomy and herbalism promote scientific curiosity and practical knowledge. His influence fosters a deep understanding of the natural world, encouraging exploration and intellectual growth.

37. Marquis Phenex

Powers: Teaches wonderful sciences, excellent poet, enhances creativity.
Details: Phenex’s comprehensive knowledge and poetic skills foster creativity and intellectual growth, promoting artistic expression and innovation. His influence ensures that individuals can explore and develop their creative potential.

38. Count Halphas

Powers: Builds towers, supplies weapons, promotes strategic thinking.
Details: Halphas’s construction skills and strategic planning foster defense and preparedness, ensuring that individuals are well-protected and ready to face challenges. His influence promotes tactical thinking and effective resource management.

39. President Malphas

Powers: Builds houses and strongholds, destroys enemies’ desires, gives good familiars.
Details: Malphas’s abilities in construction and strategic defense promote safety and security. His insights into enemies’ desires and actions provide strategic advantages, ensuring that individuals can anticipate and counter threats effectively.

40. Count Raum

Powers: Steals treasures, destroys cities, promotes cunning.
Details: Raum’s strategic theft and destruction abilities foster cunning and strategic thinking, essential for overcoming adversaries and achieving success. His influence ensures that individuals can navigate challenges with intelligence and resourcefulness.

41. Duke Focalor

Powers: Controls wind and sea, causes shipwrecks.
Details: Focalor’s mastery over natural elements promotes environmental control and strategic defense. His abilities offer significant advantages in maritime endeavors, ensuring that individuals can navigate and control the seas effectively.

42. Duke Vepar

Powers: Governs waters, guides ships, promotes maritime mastery.
Details: Vepar’s abilities in governing waters and guiding ships foster maritime expertise and strategic planning, ensuring that individuals can navigate and manage maritime challenges with confidence and skill.

43. Marquis Sabnock

Powers: Builds towers and cities, afflicts wounds and sores, promotes strategic thinking.
Details: Sabnock’s construction skills and strategic planning foster defense and preparedness, ensuring that individuals are well-protected and ready to face challenges. His influence in inflicting wounds provides tactical advantages in conflicts.

44. Marquis Shax

Powers: Takes away senses, steals money, promotes cunning.
Details: Shax’s abilities to impair senses and steal promote strategic thinking and cunning, ensuring that individuals can navigate adversarial situations with intelligence and resourcefulness. His influence fosters tactical advantages in various scenarios.

45. King/Count Viné

Powers: Discovers hidden things, reveals future, reconciles controversies.
Details: Viné’s insights into hidden matters and future events promote strategic planning and conflict resolution, ensuring that individuals can navigate challenges and opportunities effectively. His influence fosters harmony and understanding.

46. Count Bifrons

Powers: Teaches sciences, makes one invisible, transports bodies.
Details: Bifrons’s teachings in sciences and abilities in invisibility and transportation promote intellectual growth and practical knowledge, ensuring that individuals can navigate and manage various situations with skill and discretion.

47. Duke Vual

Powers: Grants love and friendship, reveals past, present, and future.
Details: Vual’s abilities to foster love and friendship and reveal timelines enhance social harmony and strategic planning, ensuring that individuals can build strong relationships and make informed decisions.

48. President Haagenti

Powers: Makes people wise, transmutes metals, changes liquids.
Details: Haagenti’s teachings and transmutation abilities promote wisdom and transformation, ensuring that individuals can navigate challenges and opportunities with intelligence and adaptability. His influence fosters practical solutions and strategic advantages.

49. Duke Crocell

Powers: Teaches geometry and sciences, warms bodies of water.
Details: Crocell’s teachings in geometry and other sciences promote intellectual growth and practical knowledge, ensuring that individuals can navigate and manage various situations with skill and precision. His influence in warming bodies of water offers unique environmental control advantages.

50. Knight Furcas

Powers: Teaches philosophy, astronomy, and rhetoric.
Details: Furcas’s comprehensive teachings in various disciplines promote intellectual growth and practical knowledge, ensuring that individuals can navigate and understand the complexities of the world with confidence and insight. His influence fosters philosophical and scientific understanding.

51. King Balam

Powers: Gives perfect answers, makes people invisible and witty.
Details: Balam’s perfect answers and abilities in invisibility and wit enhance strategic thinking and personal agility, ensuring that individuals can navigate and manage various situations with intelligence and discretion. His influence provides profound insights and strategic advantages.

52. Duke Alloces

Powers: Teaches astronomy and liberal arts, reveals secrets.
Details: Alloces’s teachings in astronomy and liberal arts promote intellectual growth and practical knowledge, ensuring that individuals can explore and understand the complexities of the universe. His influence in revealing secrets offers strategic advantages and profound insights.

53. President Caim

Powers: Understands animal voices, teaches grammar and rhetoric, reveals future.
Details: Caim’s abilities to interpret animal voices and teach linguistic arts promote comprehensive knowledge and communication, ensuring that individuals can navigate and manage various situations with skill and precision. His influence in revealing the future offers profound insights and strategic planning advantages.

54. Duke/Count Murmur

Powers: Teaches philosophy, obliges souls to answer questions.
Details: Murmur’s teachings in philosophy and abilities to communicate with souls foster spiritual insight and intellectual growth, ensuring that individuals can navigate and understand the complexities of the world with confidence and insight. His influence provides profound understanding and strategic advantages.

55. Prince Orobas

Powers: Gives dignities and favor, provides truthful answers, secures against deceit.
Details: Orobas’s abilities to bestow dignities and provide truthful answers promote honor and protection, ensuring that individuals can navigate and manage various situations with confidence and integrity. His influence fosters strategic advantages in social and spiritual realms.

56. Duke Gremory

Powers: Discovers hidden treasures, reveals past, present, and future, brings love.
Details: Gremory’s insights into hidden matters and timelines enhance strategic planning and emotional connections, ensuring that individuals can navigate and manage various situations with intelligence and empathy. His influence fosters profound insights and meaningful relationships.

57. President Ose

Powers: Makes people wise, provides true answers, causes insanity at will.
Details: Ose’s teachings and abilities to provide divine answers and induce insanity offer strategic benefits and comprehensive knowledge, ensuring that individuals can navigate and manage various situations with intelligence and influence. His influence fosters profound understanding and control.

58. President Amy

Powers: Teaches astrology and liberal sciences, reveals treasures, enhances memory.
Details: Amy’s teachings in astrology and liberal sciences promote intellectual growth and practical knowledge, ensuring that individuals can navigate and understand the complexities of the universe. His influence in revealing treasures and enhancing memory offers strategic advantages and profound insights.

59. Marquis Orias

Powers: Makes people wise, teaches star virtues, gives dignities, changes shapes.
Details: Orias’s teachings in star virtues and abilities to bestow dignities and change shapes foster wisdom and versatility, ensuring that individuals can navigate and manage various situations with intelligence and adaptability. His influence provides profound insights and strategic advantages.

60. Duke Vapula

Powers: Teaches philosophy, mechanics, and sciences.
Details: Vapula’s comprehensive teachings promote intellectual growth and practical knowledge, ensuring that individuals can navigate and understand the complexities of the world with confidence and insight. His influence fosters philosophical, mechanical, and scientific understanding.

61. King/President Zagan

Powers: Makes people witty, transforms liquids and metals, turns fools into wise men.
Details: Zagan’s transformative abilities and teachings promote strategic thinking and wisdom, ensuring that individuals can navigate and manage various situations with intelligence and adaptability. His influence fosters practical solutions and profound insights.

62. President Valac

Powers: Reveals hidden treasures, identifies serpents, delivers them harmlessly.
Details: Valac’s insights into hidden treasures and serpents promote strategic planning and protection, ensuring that individuals can navigate and manage various situations with intelligence and discretion. His influence provides profound understanding and practical solutions.

63. Marquis Andras

Powers: Teaches how to kill foes, promotes strategic thinking and defense.
Details: Andras’s teachings and abilities in strategic defense promote tactical advantages and resilience, ensuring that individuals can navigate and manage various situations with intelligence and preparedness. His influence fosters strategic thinking and effective resource management.

64. Duke Flauros

Powers: Destroys targets, speaks truthfully about past, present, and future, protects against demonic attack.
Details: Flauros’s destructive abilities and truthful insights promote strategic thinking and protection, ensuring that individuals can navigate and manage various situations with confidence and integrity. His influence fosters profound understanding and defense against threats.

65. Marquis Andrealphus

Powers: Teaches geometry and measurements, turns people into birds.
Details: Andrealphus’s teachings in geometry and abilities in transformation promote intellectual growth and practical knowledge, ensuring that individuals can navigate and manage various situations with intelligence and adaptability. His influence provides unique strategic advantages and profound insights.

66. Marquis Kimaris (CIMEJES)

Powers: Gives reports on spirits, discovers hidden things, knows future events, understands wars.
Details: Kimaris’s insights into spiritual matters and future events promote strategic planning and understanding of conflicts, ensuring that individuals can navigate and manage various situations with intelligence and foresight. His influence fosters profound insights and practical solutions.

67. Duke Amdusias

Powers: Makes music sound in the air, promotes creativity and connection with nature.
Details: Amdusias’s abilities in creating music and fostering creativity enhance personal expression and environmental mastery, ensuring that individuals can navigate and manage various situations with intelligence and artistic flair. His influence provides unique strategic advantages and profound insights.

68. King Belial

Powers: Distributes presentations and senatorships, causes favor, gives dignities.
Details: Belial’s abilities to bestow dignities and provide favor promote honor and social influence, ensuring that individuals can navigate and manage various situations with confidence and integrity. His influence fosters strategic advantages and profound insights in social and professional realms.

69. Marquis Decarabia

Powers: Knows virtues of herbs and stones, changes birds into other shapes.
Details: Decarabia’s knowledge of herbs and stones and abilities in transformation promote practical knowledge and strategic thinking, ensuring that individuals can navigate and manage various situations with intelligence and adaptability. His influence provides profound insights and practical solutions.

70. Prince Seere

Powers: Accomplishes will swiftly, brings abundance, helps find hidden treasures.
Details: Seere’s swift actions and abilities to bring abundance and find hidden treasures promote positive transformation and strategic advantages, ensuring that individuals can navigate and manage various situations with confidence and resourcefulness. His influence fosters profound insights and practical solutions.

71. Duke Dantalion

Powers: Teaches arts and sciences, declares secret counsel, changes thoughts at will.
Details: Dantalion’s comprehensive teachings and abilities to influence thoughts promote intellectual growth and strategic thinking, ensuring that individuals can navigate and manage various situations with intelligence and adaptability. His influence provides profound understanding and control.

72. Count Andromalius

Powers: Brings back stolen goods, punishes thieves, discovers hidden treasures and dishonesty.
Details: Andromalius’s abilities to retrieve stolen items and uncover dishonesty promote justice and protection, ensuring that individuals can navigate and manage various situations with confidence and integrity. His influence fosters strategic advantages and profound insights.

73. King Lucifer

Powers: Illuminates the mind, promotes intellectual growth, inspires rebellion against unjust authority.
Details: Lucifer’s influence brightens the intellect and fosters a pursuit of knowledge and truth. His inspiration encourages questioning and standing against unjust authority, promoting personal empowerment and intellectual freedom.

74. Queen Lilith

Powers: Empowers independence, enhances sensuality, promotes feminine strength.
Details: Lilith’s influence encourages self-reliance and independence, fostering a sense of personal strength. She enhances sensuality and promotes the empowerment of feminine energy, helping individuals embrace their inner power and confidence.

75. King Mammon

Powers: Attracts wealth and prosperity, enhances financial acumen, promotes material success.
Details: Mammon’s abilities attract wealth and ensure prosperity, fostering financial growth and stability. His influence enhances financial acumen, helping individuals make smart investment decisions and achieve material success.

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Autor: Takaharu

Takaharu is master at the Terra Incognita school of Magic, specialized in the Olympian Gods, Abraxas and Demonology. He is also the person in charge of this website and shop and you will find him in the school of magic and in customer support. Takaharu has over 31 years of experience in magic. 

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