Lady Midday: Discovering Her Positive Powers in Depth

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The Summoning Ritual of Lady Midday

Unveiling the Positive Powers of Lady Midday: Your Guide to This Enigmatic Entity

Demons. Just the word alone can conjure up images of malevolent entities intent on chaos and harm. But when you dive deeper into the realm of the occult and the unknown, it's evident that this is a misconception. One such entity that defies these stereotypical notions is Lady Midday.

Who is Lady Midday?

Lady Midday, or Poludnitsa, is a complex figure in Slavic mythology. Rather than being a force of destruction, she embodies an intriguing blend of characteristics. This powerful entity can serve as a beacon of enlightenment for those seeking to understand the less-explored facets of the demonic realm.

The Positive Powers of Lady Midday

While the term "demon" often carries negative connotations, Lady Midday’s powers are surprisingly positive. She can teach individuals about the nature of time and the universe, and often provides profound insights about reality itself. These revelations are capable of sparking personal growth and enlightenment.

Planet of Lady Midday

Every demon has a corresponding celestial body that influences its nature and characteristics. Lady Midday is closely linked with the Sun. The sun, as the centerpiece of our solar system, mirrors her illuminating qualities and her ability to shed light on intricate universal truths.

Metal of Lady Midday

Gold, known for its luster and enduring beauty, is the metal associated with Lady Midday. This link further reinforces her connection to enlightenment, wisdom, and the pursuit of truth.

Engaging with Lady Midday

For those who seek to engage with Lady Midday, understanding her preferences and affinities can prove invaluable.

Offerings to Lady Midday

Offerings are a common way to honor and attract these entities. Lady Midday favors offerings like sunflowers and golden items, which reflect her ties to the sun and gold.

Astrological Sign of Lady Midday

The realm of astrology also plays a significant role in understanding and engaging with Lady Midday. She is often associated with the sign Leo, a sign ruled by the sun and known for its courage, passion, and leadership qualities.

Relationships with Other Demons

Lady Midday does not exist in isolation. She shares a symbiotic relationship with various other demons, each influencing the other in subtle and not-so-subtle ways.

Lady Midday and King Paimon

King Paimon, another demon known for his wisdom and knowledge, shares a unique bond with Lady Midday. They often collaborate in bestowing profound insights upon their followers.

Lady Midday and Duke Barbatos

Lady Midday also enjoys a synergistic relationship with Duke Barbatos. Barbatos, who can comprehend the language of animals, supplements Lady Midday's understanding of the universe, adding a unique perspective.

Lady Midday and Prince Stolas

Prince Stolas, a demon versed in astronomy and the properties of plants, adds another layer to Lady Midday's wisdom. Their relationship highlights the interconnectedness of all things in the universe.

Embracing the Positive Powers of Lady Midday

If you're seeking enlightenment and a deeper understanding of the universe, consider engaging with Lady Midday. Remember to approach with respect, and you might just find your world expanding in unexpected and enlightening ways.

While demons often get a bad rap in popular culture, understanding entities like Lady Midday helps us see the broader picture. The demonic realm is as diverse and complex as any other, and Lady Midday serves as a shining example of its less-recognized but truly positive powers.

Rituals are powerful tools that can help us connect with the energy of a specific entity, and Lady Midday is no exception. Here's a simple ritual to summon Lady Midday, always remembering to approach with utmost respect.


Before you begin, make sure you're in a quiet, comfortable space. Cleanse the area of any negative energy and set up your ritual space.


  • A golden item (reflects the metal of Lady Midday)
  • Sunflowers or images of sunflowers (a favored offering)
  • A candle to represent the Sun (Lady Midday's associated planet)

The Ritual

  1. Center yourself: Sit comfortably and take a few moments to breathe deeply, calming your mind and grounding yourself.
  2. Light the candle: As you do this, visualize the warmth and brightness of the Sun, connecting with the energy of Lady Midday.
  3. Present the offerings: Place the golden item and the sunflowers in front of you. State clearly that these offerings are for Lady Midday.
  4. Call upon Lady Midday: Speak softly, respectfully inviting her presence. You could say, "Lady Midday, powerful entity of enlightenment, I invite you to join me. I seek your wisdom and guidance."
  5. Communicate your intention: Be clear about why you're seeking her help. Do you want insights about the universe, personal growth, or understanding the nature of time? Express your intention honestly.
  6. Listen and be receptive: Give her space to communicate with you. You might receive insights or feelings, or it may come later in dreams or sudden realizations.
  7. Thank Lady Midday: Regardless of whether you perceive an immediate response, always thank Lady Midday for her presence and wisdom. Remember, the effects of these rituals often manifest in subtle and gradual ways.
  8. Close the ritual: Blow out the candle, acknowledging the end of the ritual.

Remember, like any relationship, your connection with Lady Midday will strengthen over time. Approach each interaction with respect and an open mind, and be patient with yourself and her. The insights you seek may not be immediate, but with time, you'll begin to understand her positive powers more deeply.

Popular Stories about Lady Midday

Lady Midday, also known as Poludnitsa, holds a significant place in the folklore and mythology of various cultures. From ancient Slavic legends to modern reinterpretations, her tales continue to fascinate and inspire.

The Midday Spirit in the Fields

One of the most famous stories about Lady Midday originates from Slavic folklore. She was said to appear at the hottest part of a summer's day, manifesting as an old woman, a beautiful maiden, or even a whirling dust cloud. She would approach those working in the fields and engage them in conversation or ask difficult questions.

If anyone failed to answer her correctly, or tried to change the subject, she would take their life, typically portrayed as them succumbing to heatstroke or madness. This tale served as a warning against the dangers of the midday sun and the importance of rest during intensive labor.

Lady Midday and the Timeless Wisdom

In another story, a curious scholar sought to understand the mysteries of time and existence. Despite studying countless books and seeking advice from wise men, he found no satisfactory answers. He then heard about Lady Midday, a powerful entity known for her profound insights about reality itself.

After carefully preparing a summoning ritual, he managed to communicate with Lady Midday. She guided him to see beyond the constraints of mortal understanding, illuminating his mind with the wisdom of eons. The scholar, forever changed, dedicated his life to sharing this knowledge.

The Sunflower's Blessing

This popular tale tells of a poor farmer whose crops always failed, leaving his family on the brink of starvation. Desperate, he called upon Lady Midday, offering his last sunflower to her. Touched by his sacrifice, she blessed his lands. His crops thrived, and the farmer and his family never went hungry again. From then on, every midday, he would leave a sunflower in the field as a token of his gratitude.

While the manifestations and interpretations of Lady Midday can vary, these stories all shed light on her intriguing character. Whether as a cautionary figure or a bringer of enlightenment and blessing, she continues to captivate those who come across her tales.

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Autor: Takaharu

Takaharu is master at the Terra Incognita school of Magic, specialized in the Olympian Gods, Abraxas and Demonology. He is also the person in charge of this website and shop and you will find him in the school of magic and in customer support. Takaharu has over 31 years of experience in magic. 

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