Protection Ritual

Powerful Protection Ritual

Written by: White Cloud



Time to read 5 min

Protection Ritual: Safeguard your path and repel negativity with unwavering protection.

This is a special protection symbol you might want to use to protect you and dissolve any magic involved

Preparation for the Protection Ritual

Create a sacred space: Cleanse the area where you will perform the ritual and set up a dedicated space for your work. You can use tools like sage, incense, or salt water for purification. 

Gather materials: Collect items that hold symbolic meaning for each entity. This could include amulets, rings, tiles, candles, crystals, sigils, or specific herbs associated with each entity. Research their individual correspondences to ensure accuracy.

The steps of the Protection Ritual

Ground and center yourself: Take a few moments to relax, breathe deeply, and focus your mind. Ground yourself by connecting with the earth's energy and center your intentions for the ritual.

Invoke Andromalius: Light a candle representing Andromalius and recite an invocation specific to him. Request his assistance in protecting you and your space from negative energies or malicious intentions. Andromalius Kamora

Invoke Malphas: Light a candle representing Malphas and recite an invocation specific to him. Seek Malphas' aid in shielding you and your surroundings from harm or unwanted influences. Sumaito Malphas

Invoke Azazel: Light a candle representing Azazel and recite an invocation specific to him. Ask Azazel to provide you with strength, courage, and insight to face any challenges or threats that may arise. Dagino Azazel

Invoke Zagan: Light a candle representing Zagan and recite an invocation specific to him. Call upon Zagan for protection, healing, and the ability to dispel any negative energies or entities. Kranto Zagan

Offerings and gratitude: Express your gratitude to each entity for their presence and assistance. Offerings can include items like incense, food, or drink that are associated with each entity or are known to be appreciated by them.

State your intentions: Clearly state your intentions for protection, specifying the areas or aspects of your life you seek to safeguard. Be sincere and specific in your words.

Closing the ritual: 

You need to call the spirits again with the following enn's

Kamora Andromalius 
Sumaito Malphas 
Dagino Azazel 
Kranto Zagan 

Express your gratitude once more, extinguish the candles in reverse order of their invocation, and close the sacred space. You can say a closing prayer or affirmation to conclude the ritual.

How many times should you do this protection ritual?

Every morning until the attacks stop. Usually it won't take longer than 1 week. However in some cases it can take a month or longer, but these are special cases where an advanced magic practitioner is involved (very rare)

Protection Amulets

The offerings for each of the spirits


Offerings: Incense (such as myrrh or dragon's blood), black candles, red wine, dark chocolate, art, tiles, amulets, rings, herbs associated with protection (e.g., rosemary, basil, or sage), black feathers.


Offerings: Black candles, dark-colored flowers (such as black roses), art, tiles, amulets, rings,ink or quill pens, feathers (especially black ones), divination tools (e.g., tarot cards, runes), offerings associated with communication (e.g., parchment, writing materials).


Offerings: Red candles, spicy or fiery foods, herbs associated with transformation (e.g., cinnamon, ginger, or chili peppers), art, tiles, amulets, rings, dark crystals (such as obsidian or garnet), alcohol (such as whiskey or rum).


Offerings: Yellow or gold candles, fresh fruits (especially citrus fruits), healing herbs (e.g., lavender or chamomile), crystals associated with healing or abundance (e.g., citrine or green aventurine), art, tiles, amulets, rings,honey or sweet treats.

The Effects of Black Magic Spells

Black magic, also known as dark magic or black witchcraft, is often associated with the use of supernatural powers to cause harm, manipulate, or control others. While beliefs about the effects of black magic vary across cultures and individuals, there are common perceptions of negative consequences on a physical and emotional level for those who believe they have been affected by such spells. Here are some commonly mentioned consequences:

Physical ailments: Black magic spells can manifest as various physical ailments and health issues. People who suspect they are under the influence of a black magic spell may experience unexplained pains, chronic fatigue, sleep disturbances, sudden weight loss or gain, headaches, or digestive problems. These physical symptoms are often attributed to the dark energies associated with the spell.

Emotional distress: Black magic spells  having a significant impact on a person's emotional well-being. The targeted individual may experience intense and unexplained feelings of fear, anxiety, depression, irritability, anger, or mood swings. They may also have persistent nightmares or disturbing dreams that contribute to their emotional distress.

Relationship difficulties: Another consequence of black magic spells is the disruption of relationships. People who are under the influence of such spells may experience conflicts, misunderstandings, and a breakdown of trust in their relationships with family, friends, or romantic partners. These issues can further contribute to feelings of isolation and loneliness.

Financial problems: It is commonly believed that black magic spells can negatively affect a person's financial situation. Individuals may experience sudden and unexplained financial losses, face obstacles in their careers or business endeavors, or encounter difficulty in managing their finances effectively.

Social isolation: Those who are victims of black magic may become socially isolated due to the fear of others' judgments or being stigmatized. They may withdraw from social activities, refrain from seeking help, or distance themselves from loved ones, which can further exacerbate their emotional distress.

The importance of protection against magical attacks

Here are some reasons why people may consider protection against magical attacks important:

Personal empowerment: The belief in protection against magical attacks can provide individuals with a sense of control and empowerment over their lives. It gives them a proactive approach to dealing with perceived threats and helps them feel more secure and confident in their ability to overcome negative influences.

Peace of mind: For individuals who believe in magical attacks, protection rituals, amulets, or talismans can offer a sense of peace and security. Engaging in protective practices can help alleviate anxiety and fear associated with the possibility of being targeted by negative energies or malevolent forces.

Symbolic representation: Protective objects or rituals can serve as symbolic representations of personal values, beliefs, and intentions. They can act as a reminder of one's own inner strength, resilience, and ability to ward off negative energies. This symbolic significance can enhance one's psychological well-being and foster a positive mindset.

Mind-body connection: Protection against magical attacks can have a special effect, activating the mind-body connection. When individuals are protected, it can positively influence their mental and emotional state, which in turn may impact their overall well-being and resilience.