The best money amulets and combinations to increase your wealth
After receiving the test reports from our testers on our latest lapel pins for money and wealth we have created this guide so you can select the best of both pins, amulets and ring for the fastest and most reliable results.
Amulets and rings need a 28 days syncronization period from the moment you start to wear them. Amulets can not be touched by other people to prevent them from being contaminated by other energies.
The lapel pins on the other hand can be touched without a problem because their magic works in a different way.
Amulets and rings work with the spirits power influence on our own energy where as the lapel pins use the combination of other peoples energy attracted by the spirit ones.
For that reason, the lapel pins work a lot faster but their energy is depleted in 9 - 12 months.
To get the best results, we recommend to use either an amulet or ring, combined with a lapel pin. This will give you fast results while the syncronization is still in progress. The lapel pins will give extra power to the amulets and rings and vice versa once the amulets and pins are syncronized.
Business Amulets & Pins combinations for medium and long term results:
Mammon + Abraxas pin
You can use the mammon amulet or ring together with the abraxas pin. Abraxas will serve as a booster for mammon, resulting in better results in money through business matters.
Belial + Abraxas pin
As with the Mammon amulets and ring, abraxas boosts the powers of Belial and will make you close business deals more powerful.
Asmodeus + Abraxas pin
If you are into gambling, Asmodeus is the best one to use. Abraxas will give more power to the amulets or ring of Asmodeus, resulting in better results in gambling
Money Amulet + Abraxas pin
The money amulet has 4 spirits dedicated to wealth, they will all receive extra power from the abraxas lapel pin, making this amulet one of the best ones for this purpose
Business combinations for fast results:
Mammon pin + Abraxas amulet or ring
The mammon lapel pin will give you fast results even without the power of the abraxas amulets or rings. Abraxas will serve as a booster for mammon, when it finishes it's synchronization, resulting in stronger and long term results in money through business matters. You will not have to wait the 28 days of synchronization before seeing results.
Belial pin + Abraxas amulet or ring
As with the Mammon pin, abraxas boosts the powers of Belial and will make you close business deals more powerful but you will not have to wait the 28 days of synchronization before seeing results.
Asmodeus pin + Abraxas amulet or ring
Asmodeus, the king of gamblers is the best one to use for this purpose. Abraxas will give more power to the lapel pin of Asmodeus, resulting in better results in gambling and you will not have to wait the 28 days of synchronization before seeing results.
Money Amulet pin + Abraxas amulet or ring
The money pin has 4 spirits dedicated to wealth, and this pin will put them all to work in 3 - 7 days, getting you positive results. All 4 of them will all receive extra power from the abraxas amulet or ring, making this amulet/ring/lapel pin combination one of the best ones for this purpose. Thanks to the pin you will get fast results that are maintained for medium and long term after the synchronization of the amulet