The meaning and use of a circle in magical practice and amulets
The meaning and use of a circle in magical practice and amulets
One of the most frequent symbols or forms we can find in amulets and spells or magical practice is the circle. But why is the circle important and how is it used.
The circle represents time and infinity. There is no starting point or end so the energy flow freely for all times.
The circle is mainly used as a protection for the practitioner and to contain and concentrate the energy.
It is wise to use the circle when dealing with energies so the energy in question will not overwhelm you. Some energies are very strong and a protection against the intensity is needed. This doesn’t mean the energy is attacking you, there is just a big difference between your own energy and the one from the spirit, demon, angel you are invoking or want to work with.
In amulets, the circle together with other symbols ere used to bind the energy to the amulet and make it work for the owner without being overwhelmed by it
When using a circle for spells or invocation ritual, make sure to draw the circle from top to the right completing the circle 3 times. After this you can place the objects you want to work with or the sigils inside the circle and you stay on the outside.
This way you are safe and the energy will stay contained in the circle.