In this ritual we are going to use different daemon spirits to attract money and abundance. Money is a strange concept for spirits because it means something different for each person. Even so there are some spirits we can use the receive money in different ways.
The first one is the starters ritual which has a success rate of 40-50%. It can be done by everyone with or without experience
The second way to perform the ritual is with having received the alignment for the 3 spirits we are going to use for the ritual
Marax: This spirit will be the beginning spirit for the ritual as Marax is the master of magic and witchcraft. He will empower our ritual for money and abundance. We will use him to assist wirh daemon magic
The second spirit is Furfur. This spirit is perfect to empower the money ritual and that is how we are going to use him in this money ritual
As third spirit we will be using Mammon for his abbility to create a money honeypot that will attract money and wealth
Let's start with the ritual for beginners. It is not much different as the ritual for aligned people. The main thing that changes is that the aligned person will use a specific and unique power word to call te spirits and the power mantra for it's specific use
At the end of this article you will find the links to the specific power mantras and alignments for these spirits
Print out the 3 spirit cards you can see below
Place them before you
Start wit a 3 - 5 minutes meditation
Call the spirits one by one in this way:
Marax + mantra you can see on the card
Furfur + mantra you can see on the card
Mammon + mantra you can see on the card
Next you create a mental image of the purpose of your wish
Repeat the 3 mantras in te same order
Marax + mantra
Furfur + mantra
Mammon + mantra
Close with a feeling of gratitude
Repeat this ritual for 7 days without skipping 1 day
Check the video below for details. You can also use the video to assist you. Just watch the video and listen to the mantras. Let them penetrate you mind and try to feel the vibration of the sounds
The second way has a lot more power and is for people who have received the alignment of Marax, Furfur and Mammon
Print out the 3 spirit cards you can see below
Place them before you
Start wit a 3 - 5 minutes meditation
Call the spirits one by one in this way:
Marax + personal power word (you receive this after finishing the alignment)
Furfur + personal power word (you receive this after finishing the alignment)
Mammon + personal power word (you receive this after finishing the alignment)
Next you create a mental image of the purpose of your wish
Say the 3 specific mantras you need for this ritual as you can find in the grimoires
Marax + teach daemon magic mantra
Furfur + empower money ritual mantra
Mammon + Create money honeypot mantra
Close with a feeling of gratitude
This ritual has only to be done 1 time. Wait for 7 days and if needed repeat it a second time.
This is the video for the beginners ritual. People with alignment will use another video with the specific power words and power mantras.
You can add power to both rituals with the specific amulets, rings or altar tiles for each of these spirits and adding their specific offerings